5 – nanoStream Cloud Security

5 – nanoStream Cloud Security

5 – nanoStream Cloud Security

5 – nanoStream Cloud Security


Technical Advancement: Stream Protection

Since the demand for real-time live streaming platforms that enable interactivity on mobile devices started, nanocosmos has been heavily engaged serving businesses to enable audience engagement around the world. Next to the player with Adaptive Bitrate, a global CDN, and analytics to improve quality of service, nanocosmos makes content security and secure live streaming 2022’s top priorities for its product development. Stream protection against misuse is an integral part of nanoStream Cloud and creates added value to the ultra-low latency live streaming platform. It can detect streaming irregularities based on factors such as the time a stream runs. To avoid hijacking of streams the new security service included in nanoStream Cloud checks suspicious access and detects irregularities like usage and timing. nanoStream Cloud is created with security and encryption enabled by default. It supports secure access and REST APIs, content encryption, secure access with web hooks and  token-based access for certain application scenarios.

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