Cdn Services - IABM Single BaM Product

Cdn Services - IABM Single BaM Product




Our Content Delivery Network is designed to improve user viewing and loading experience and ensures viewer connectivity to nearest PoP’s for buffer free viewing experience. Our CDN is specially designed for video publishers and video content owners to deliver an amazing viewing experience, without huge cost. With our scalable and reliable HLS and MPEG-Dash VOD and Live media delivery services allow you to ingest and deliver content with ease.

·       Enhanced performance

Increase the performance of your streaming content and give viewers a smoother experience. Via our CDN network we deliver crisp, unpixellated, high-quality videos, with low latency.

·       Reduce costs

Optimize the cost of your data transfer and let us handle the potential peaks, including the entire broadcasting process.

·       Scalability & reliability

We offer you the fastest, most reliable way to get your content in front of numerous viewers anywhere in the world. Our CDNs can accommodate viral viewership spikes and larger-than-expected live audiences.

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