Streampool Cdn - IABM Single BaM Product

Streampool Cdn - IABM Single BaM Product

Streampool CDN

Streampool CDN


Streampool is a multi-tenant, scalable, and fault-tolerant content delivery service for distributing adaptive media streams to end users with ease and reliability.

Streampool is your go-to solution for addressing cost reduction and network optimization, empowering you to monitor the performance of your service and swiftly troubleshoot issues as they arise.

  • Load Balancing

Leveraging user location and service performance metrics, Streampool ensures optimal delivery of HLS, DASH, and CMAF streams, guaranteeing a smooth viewing experience for every user, regardless of location.

  • Caching

Improve performance by caching content in closer proximity to viewers, leading to faster loading times and smoother streaming experiences, eliminating buffering or delays.

  • Scalability

Handle increasing levels of traffic and accommodate a growing demand for streaming media content. Streampool nodes distribute the load across multiple instances efficiently, ensuring smooth streaming experiences. By sharing a common cache repository, these instances minimize resource access operations, enhancing overall performance. The ability to incorporate origin pools and routing rules facilitates seamless load redirection, optimizing network traffic management.

  • Security

Protect your content via token-based authentication, geo-blocking, and Access Control Lists (ACLs).

  • Catch-Ups and Timeshifts

Streampool provides timeshifts and catchups out of the box, enhancing user satisfaction during content consumption and offering users greater flexibility and convenience.

  • CDN Switcher

Smart CDN switcher helps OTT operators deal with multiple CDNs, redirecting their viewers to the most suitable CDN based on predefined rules.

  • On-Demand VOD Packager

Effortlessly package and prepare video content from the media library for on-demand chunked streaming.

  • Ingest Mode

Push content to Streampool using Ingest mode and store it on servers. Enable DVR for your pool to access catchup and time-shift features.

  • Origin Mode

Streampool’s Origin mode effortlessly fetches and caches content directly from the origin server. By optimizing the proximity of caching servers to the audience, content is rapidly retrieved for an unparalleled user experience.

  • Statistics

Track detailed real-time statistics on streams and viewers, gaining valuable insights into viewer behavior and stream performance, empowering you to make informed decisions and optimize your content delivery strategy.

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