Xilinx Real-Time Video Servers

Xilinx Real-Time Video Servers

Xilinx Real-Time Video Servers

Xilinx Real-Time Video Servers


The demand for live video streaming has become a critical business need. Video service providers are faced with delivering high-quality user experiences, while managing their infrastructure and operating costs. Given the computational intensity of converting video, transcoding has prompted the need for an adaptable hardware acceleration platform.

Introducing the Xilinx Real-Time Video Server appliance reference architectures. Powered by Alveo™ accelerator cards, Xilinx delivers breakthrough live video streaming performance at the lowest cost per channel for significant TCO savings over fixed-architecture approaches, without altering existing infrastructure.

  • Up to 5X Faster Than CPUs

  • 6X Lower Cost

  • Up to 5X Lower Power

Bitrate Optimized Appliance (Alveo U50)

For broadcasters delivering a small number of streams to large viewerships that demand high-quality video transcoding. For live streaming video service providers, OEMs, and Content Delivery Networks, the Alveo bitrate-optimized, and live transcoding solution enables service providers to reduce bandwidth costs (OPEX) by replacing less efficient software-based (CPU) transcoders.

High Channel Density Appliance (Alveo U30)

Optimized for a high volume of broadcasters with a smaller number of viewers demands high-density transcoding. For video service providers faced with the challenge of managing infrastructure costs while simultaneously improving customer quality of experience (QoE), the Alveo high-density video transcoding solution provides optimized cost per channels (reduce CAPEX).


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