Nanostream Cloud 2022 - IABM Single BaM Product

Nanostream Cloud 2022 - IABM Single BaM Product

nanoStream Cloud

nanoStream Cloud


nanoStream Cloud is a unique combination of Global CDN, Adaptive Live Player and Advanced Analytics for interactive live streaming. Whether it is a monetizing use case, such as live auctions and gaming, or a live event with audience participation: nanoStream Cloud is set up with an integrated approach to enable outstanding interactive live streaming experiences.

With a continued focus on 100% reliability and 24/7 operations, the Streaming Media award winner nanoStream Cloud covers interactive live streaming with key benefits for businesses:

  • One platform, all included to successfully create interactive live video experiences

  • Simple Setup, easy instant streaming

  • Global Reach – scalability with an integrated powerful Content Delivery Network (CDN)

  • Fully compatible for any mobile or desktop device, directly via browser

  • Enhanced security & advanced Analytics & white label

  • 24/7 operations

nanoStream Cloud Release 2022 is presented with improved usability, reliability, security, additional data-insight and the integration of additional streaming protocols like SRT (Secure Reliable Transport) and WHIP (WebRTC-HTTP ingestion protocol). Furthermore, Live Transcoding and Adaptive Bitrate Playback (ABR) are accessible as a standard to enable smooth streaming for all clients and free trial accounts. The added features continue to highlight the focus on optimized Quality of Service and Quality of Experience for a 100% stable and reliable system, which is based on a unique combination of an ultra low-latency live streaming CDN, browser-based player and advanced analytics.


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