Busby By Squared Paper - IABM Single BaM Product

Busby By Squared Paper - IABM Single BaM Product

Busby by Squared Paper

Busby by Squared Paper


Busby offered by Squared Paper is a state of the art microservices and ESB toolkit which can be used in a wide variety of broadcast applications:

  • monitoring hardware

  • software and applications

  • workflow orchestration of any complexity

  • event recording for SLA reporting and later analysis

  • controlling external devices and services

  • media manipulation and delivery.

Busby Core Modules

  • Configuration, authentication, presentation

  • Workflow tools

  • Resource scheduling and analysis

  • Device control

  • Alarms and monitoring

  • Dashboards and reporting

Three parts of Busby

  • Busby Configuration

  • Selector (presentation of the current configuration)

  • Busby Admin (an overview of the Busby system status)

Busby Configuration

  • Centralized user interface for managing the configuration of your Busby system

  • Allows configuration of all available services

  • Versioning available for rollback to a previous state

  • Secure

  • Core system settings

  • Various levels of deployments can be assigned to multiple machines or hosts

  • All services can be configured through a simple form

  • Drivers for connecting to numerous third-party hardware/ software devices

Busby Configuration • Workflows

  • Manual steps allow the Busby user to interact with the workflow directly

  • Automatic steps might be an action performed on an asset like transcoding or the compilation of a report/schedule

  • Multiple paths can be easily created in a workflow by adding ports

  • Scripts can be added at any point in a workflow. Written in modern scripting languages and utilising built in libraries, frameworks and functions

Busby Configuration • Boards

  • To present a workflow in a meaningful way we use boards.

  • They allow for ultimate flexibility when deciding on the what workflow steps should be included and in what order.

Selector • Boards

  • Allows for the presentation of a workflow where each vertical strip corresponds with a step in the workflow.

  • Each separate job is represented as a card in a column. Behind the scenes a record is kept of the jobs progress and varying ‘states’ as it travels through the workflow.

  • ‘Info-block’ metadata can be attached to jobs at any point

  • Each board is customisable for  different user groups

Selector • User Interfaces

  • Other user interfaces are available

  • Each can be displayed depending on the users’ access permissions.

  • Screens can also be tailored to display different parts of a workflow depending on the users’ requirements

New  features…Some of our latest work includes:

  • Creation of a Resource scheduling and diary modules

  • OTT/TX chain overview user interface

  • Multi-site connections using secure zone trunking

  • Additional connectors to third-party system and services

Additional information

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