Carbonite Black Solo - IABM Single BaM Product

Carbonite Black Solo - IABM Single BaM Product

Carbonite Black Solo

Carbonite Black Solo


No ordinary compact production switcher, Carbonite Black Solo packs an astounding feature set including 2 MiniMEs and 9 keyers.

Carbonite Black Solo provides the compact form and affordability of a small switcher, while offering the big switcher feature-set of the Carbonite Black series.

If your productions are on the go, at different facilities and events, you want to make it easy to plug-in and get the show rolling. Carbonite Black Solo is built with internal video processing and MultiViewer resources, so no external gear is required.

XPression LiveCG complements your show with high quality still graphics. Graphics are fed directly into the switcher media channels over Ethernet for a truly simple workflow.

Smaller switchers generally feature base-level custom controls and memories, but not Carbonite Black Solo. This switcher features fully-customizable macros and a memory system with unique smart recall and effect recall functionality.

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