Gb Labs Easy Lto - IABM Single BaM Product

Gb Labs Easy Lto - IABM Single BaM Product

GB Labs EasyLTO

GB Labs EasyLTO


A serious backup and archive toolkit for creative teams and professionals.

All GB Labs LTO systems include fully featured archiving software for backup and archiving tasks. The interface for the software is a web GUI that allows users and administrators to write TAR files to tape sets or even format the tapes as LTFS. All operations can be completed using the software and data can be pulled seamlessly from any GB Labs system.

Uniquely the system also allows users to mount LTFS tapes on their desktops through the network. You can then interact with the tapes much like any other removable media (USB, FireWire drives etc.)

The software logs all activity and catalogs the contents of each tape and any additional meta data. This means that the entire catalog can be searched intelligently and retrieval of data is fast and straightforward.

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