IBM Enterprise Content Delivery Network

IBM Enterprise Content Delivery Network

IBM Enterprise Content Delivery Network

IBM Enterprise Content Delivery Network


IBM Enterprise Content Delivery Network, when used with IBM Enterprise Video Streaming, enables organizations to relieve bottlenecks associated with delivering security-enhanced video to single or multiple corporate connections.


ECDN protects your network by offering flexible and scalable enterprise video delivery solutions, allowing scale through caching a single version of a video asset that is then delivered across a network to viewers. Each viewer pulls video content from the appropriate node, with built-in methodology to improve redundancy and reduce strain through multiple installations. Furthermore, this does not disrupt normal video delivery over a worldwide network for remote viewers. Performance can also be monitored in real-time as well through a web-based portal, which can visual use across the network.

The solution forgoes costly hardware deployments and can be installed on shared or dedicated hardware as a virtual server and in conjuncture with firewalls, with included flexibility for multiple instances to support multiple ISPs or multiple offices. New ECDN nodes can also be added and configured within the central interface.

Visit the website below to learn more and to see testimonials on how Sandy Audio Visual, N3 Results and others are using the solution today.

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