Imf Analyser - IABM Single BaM Product

Imf Analyser - IABM Single BaM Product

IMF Analyser

IMF Analyser


IMF Analyser is a high-performance, flexible software solution for the analysis and validation of IMF compositions and packages. Easily integrated into media workflows, IMF Analyser validates completeness and conformance, examining each component including validation of MXF assets against the relevant standards and cross-checks between components.

IMF Analyser features can:

  • Reduce rework and save costs, by continuously validating IMF compliance throughout workflows to eliminate downstream errors

  • Improve customer satisfaction and grow repeat business by always delivering 100% compliant IMF packages

  • Realise the Quality Control cost benefits of IMF by aligning QC with the componentised, distributed processing of IMF workflows

  • Ensure interoperability of your systems by testing new releases against the latest standards

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