Iphrame Flyaway - IABM Single BaM Product

Iphrame Flyaway - IABM Single BaM Product

Iphrame Flyaway

Iphrame Flyaway


Thanks to Iphrame’s TimeLock functionality, operators can perform frame-accurate switching from anywhere, whether it’s a production centre, on location, or even from home. Iphrame Flyaway can operate over IP links as low as 20Mb/s, and typically needs only one engineer on-site so it doesn’t just lower the bar to entry, it eliminates it.

In the age of video on demand, content providers need to be aware of viewers’ tastes and the huge variety they crave, and live event coverage is a great way of attracting audiences.

Traditionally, live coverage has been limited to higher profile events due to the many staff and equipment required to be onsite. One option to reduce costs is to pass back all feeds and perform mixing in-house but the connectivity required typically pushes the costs back up and isn’t achievable at all locations.

Iphrame Flyaway changes the cost model by reducing connectivity bandwidth and staff required. The added functionality of talkback means a new generation of operators can be efficiently utilised by working at a fixed location, allowing for reduced expenditure and increased productivity, while features such as slow-mo playback help you provide a richer viewing experience.

So, to offer subscribers great live content without stretching budgets, do it from anywhere with Iphrame Flyaway.

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