Orban Optimod Fm 5500i - IABM Single BaM Product

Orban Optimod Fm 5500i - IABM Single BaM Product




OPTIMOD-FM 5500i puts competitive five- and two-band OPTIMOD processing into a single rack unit package and brings it to you at the most affordable price ever. Quality sound is what 5500i is all about – sound that attracts audiences by providing a polished, professional presentation regardless of format and source material. Exceptional versatility allows you to adjust the processor’s audio texture to brand your audio, knowing that the resulting signature sound will remain consistent, cut-to-cut and source-to-source. Branding builds businesses and no other processors have the consistency to brand your sound like OPTIMODs.

The 5500i can also be used as a superb stand-alone stereo encoder with latency as low as 2 ms and full overshoot limiting in both the left/right and composite baseband domains. When used in this mode, the 5500i must be driven (usually via an STL) by a full-featured FM audio processor (like Orban’s 8700i) that incorporates pre-emphasis-aware HF limiting and peak control. In both modes, the 5500i’s stereo encoder helps deliver a transmitted signal that’s always immaculately clean and perfectly peak limited, with full spectral protection of subcarriers and RDS/RBDS regardless of the amount of composite limiting.

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