Clear Media Erp - IABM Single BaM Product

Clear Media Erp - IABM Single BaM Product




PFT’s flagship product, CLEAR is the world’s first, proven Hybrid Cloud-enabled Media

ERP Suite that automates the content supply chain. CLEAR helps M&E companies drive

creative enablement, enhance efficiencies, realize new monetization opportunities and

reduce Total Cost of Operations (TCOP) like no other. With work order management

embedded with Media Asset Management (MAM), CLEAR is now more powerful than

ever. It enables broadcasters, studios and service providers to seamlessly manage

human led tasks and machine enabled tasks, facilitating faster decision making and

quicker time to market.

With CLEAR, all you have to do is BUILD ONCE — One infrastructure; one platform, one

process. You can innovate on ONE platform, rather than on multiple silo’ed platforms –

no more duplication and repetition.

PFT’s flagship product, CLEAR is the world’s first, proven Hybrid Cloud-enabled Media

ERP Suite that automates the content supply chain. CLEAR helps M&E companies drive

creative enablement, enhance efficiencies, realize new monetization opportunities and

reduce Total Cost of Operations (TCOP) like no other. With Work Order Management

embedded with MAM, CLEAR is now more powerful than ever. It enables broadcasters,

studios and service providers to seamlessly manage human led and machine enabled

tasks, facilitating faster decision making and quicker time-to-market.

With CLEAR, all you have to do is BUILD ONCE — One infrastructure, one platform, one

process. You can innovate on ONE platform, rather than on multiple silo’ed platforms

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