5G Multi-Stream Sync Playback

5G Multi-Stream Sync Playback

5G Multi-Stream Sync Playback

5G Multi-Stream Sync Playback


MultiStream Sync feature can be used to display multiple camera angles all synchronized on a single screen, in which the viewer is able to freely move streams around based on their preferred experience. VisualOn partners with KDDI to stream the FIVB Volleyball World Cup Japan 2019 broadcast by Fuji Television, pioneering the use of ultra-low latency CMAF and multiple camera angles for live sports in Japan. VisualOn supports multi-stream playback; decoding is done via hardware, software or both, depending on device capabilities – on 5G and other high bandwidth networks. South Korea’s KT, the world’s first commercialized 5G services, also partners with VisualOn on 5G and Multistream playback. KT’s Olleh TV Mobile, powered by VMP, provides low latency, time-synchronized playback supporting multiple streams/camera angles for live streaming, 360-degree, HDR and UHD support, for the best over the top (OTT) video experience.   Besides, VisualOn will present its technology to take advantage of multiple devices. For example how to play one or multiple video streams on multiple devices while keeping frame-accurate synchronization across devices.

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