Air Fly Pro - IABM Single BaM Product

Air Fly Pro - IABM Single BaM Product

Air Fly Pro

Air Fly Pro



For those who require the very best, there is no way around the Air Fly Pro. It comes with an impressive amount of four-way buttons, OLED displays, PTZ control, professional T-bar transitions and therefore provides you with the ultimate freedom.

Features a world of options

  • Auxiliary four-way buttons

  • Backlit encoders with crisp graphical OLED displays

  • Pressure sensitive zoom rocker and joystick pad

  • Keyer section with all essentials

  • RGB multi-level metering LEDs for VU, state indication and tally

  • 12-key bus rows with four-ways buttons and OLED legends

  • Hall effect T-bar and RGB LED bar

  • ME section with multi-level shift and user keys

  • Ethernet with PoE (IEEE802.3af)

  • UniSketch OS

Additional information

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