Caton Live - IABM Single BaM Product

Caton Live - IABM Single BaM Product

Caton Live

Caton Live


Caton Live is a game-changing switchable video processor for live video streams. The ability to switch between encoding and decoding allows true flexibility for live events, where deployment workflow changes from event to event and enables users to attain redundancy within their own inventory. It features AVC full high definition (HD) up to 20 Mbps with 3G-SDI and HDMI I/O.

Built with Caton Transport Protocols (CTP) for the highest quality and reliability to distribute ultra-low latency live video securely over any private network and the internet, interoperable with major industry protocols including SRT. Designed to be ruggedized and portable, Caton Live is ideal for travel and live-streaming applications for media, conferences, education, house of worship and enterprise.

Key features:

  • True versatility as an Encoder and Decoder

  • 3G-SDI & HDMI source inputs

  • H.264 video, up to 20 Mbps

  • Quality and reliability you can trust, with Caton Transport Protocols

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