Farmerswife - IABM Single BaM Product

Farmerswife - IABM Single BaM Product




Industry leading Management Tools for your Media Business


Serving clients across production, post-production, broadcasting, equipment rental, agency, and education


Organize and track project resources, plan and control the project lifecycle, and manage day-to-day tasks.  farmerswife exists to simplify your work


Expert global multilingual team will help you all the way from implementation to day-to-day support

[1] schedule

Powerful Resource Scheduling developed from 21 years of deep experience of client needs

Simple to use for all employees from management to creatives

Real time updates whether in the office, work from home or on the road

[2] manage

Unlimited resources, including people, rooms, desks, equipment

Assign and manage projects across your entire team Track your production costs from start to finish and everything in between

[3] collaborate

Work on Team Tasks using a powerful set of mobile tools

Coordinate resources, communicate and share files in one central hub

Instantly improve efficiency with custom workflows & templates

Additional information

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