Mx Media Exchange - IABM Single BaM Product

Mx Media Exchange - IABM Single BaM Product

mX Media Exchange

mX Media Exchange


Dimetis mX Media Exchange is a powerful media workflow automation platform for broadcasters, service providers and content creators. It provides comprehensive management, automation and transfer of large files with enhanced metadata handling for video and audio files while providing an elegant user experience. mX Media Exchange enables the creation and management of complex file-based workflows and easily connects with 3rd party systems (transcoders, file checkers, workflow and process systems, WAN accelerators, wrappers, NMS’s, storage, planning tools and more). mX Media Exchange can be deployed as standalone or cloud-based, and is based on a modularized architecture for unmatched flexibility and scalability.

Advanced Metadata Editor and Management Users can view, edit and manage a powerful set of technical and editorial metadata with the mX Media Exchange editor – Frame rate, duration of video (and duration of usable content), start frame, file name, file format, size, scanning and codec information, audio coding, and much more. For an efficient workflow, mX can automatically import metadata from remote sources such as Media Asset Management (MAM) systems, planning systems, and media files. mX can read and export metadata based on given or required metadata formats. For a quick lookup of files, they can be tagged and categorized. Because metadata is directly integrated with workflows, you can define rules which trigger decision-based workflows based on metadata input (FlowControl).

Workflow Builder Build your own workflows with the graphical-based Workflow Builder to automate technical processes like transcoding and QC, or to notify users when their job has been completed. Orchestrate your existing tools and systems, trigger systems to take actions and share your data between different storage systems. With the latest new scripting feature, you can take control and enhance workflows to communicate with your own applications and transform existing scripts into one umbrella platform.

Preview Player The mX Media Exchange preview player was developed to achieve a real-time view of video files, without the need of any browser plugins. The player also supports the selection of available audio channels in real-time and provides demuxing of streams. Users can also inspect all the metadata and audio levels of a file within the preview player.

3rd Party Systems Integration mX Media Exchange provides many interfaces to 3rd party applications and systems such as file checkers, transfer systems (Aspera, Signiant, Tixel, etc.), transcoders, storage, wrappers and metadata servers. mX Media Exchange can be entirely controlled from external systems by Rest JSON or XML-based REST API.

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