Piksel Fuse Publisher - IABM Single BaM Product

Piksel Fuse Publisher - IABM Single BaM Product

Piksel Fuse Publisher

Piksel Fuse Publisher


Media supply chains have traditionally been built with the focus being on servicing linear content, with digital workflows added after the fact. These dual linear and digital chains create duplication, slow agility and increase OPEX. Fuse Publisher gives broadcasters and content owners the ability to bring these siloed systems and workflows together, delivering a unified, digital first supply chain, lowering latency, duplication, operational costs and TCO, while increasing agility, productivity, speed to market and revenue. This shared infrastructure enables the ability to automatically syndicate content to a defined set of endpoints and distributors, maximizing advertising revenue and delivering content when, where and how end users want it.

Using Fuse Publisher for….

Improving operational efficiency and quality

Fuse Publisher orchestrates and automates asset management workflows so that operational staff can simply manage by exception based on the step validation and alerting Fuse provides. Operational expertise on repetitive tasks is reduced and can be focused on quality enhancements.

Decrease Time to Market

Fuse Publisher’s script driven workflows combine with out of the box integrations to major asset processing systems, such transcoding, stitching, QC, encryption, fast file transfer. This combination enables complex workflows orchestrations to be quickly configured thus enabling new business opportunities to be implemented at pace. Fuse open API’s, provide a means to implement integrations with all your existing systems in order to integrate into the data and event driven workflows.

Scale at Speed

Fuse’s Cloud native architecture and auto-scaling delivers the necessary on-demand scaling to meet new business challenges. Fuse seamlessly manages all aspects of scaling thus removing the headache and freeing up cycles from the Operations team.

Timely Delivery

By Integrating Schedule metadata, Fuse can drive workflow automation and enable alerting for management by exception. These aspects help ensure that the necessary asset packages and metadata files are prepared, validated and distributed aligned to the schedule.

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