Shotput Pro - IABM Single BaM Product

Shotput Pro - IABM Single BaM Product

ShotPut Pro

ShotPut Pro


ShotPut Pro has been the industry standard camera card offloading application for 10 years. It is optimized for video files but can be used for any file type, from any source. Files are verified using checksums or file based comparison, multiple options for both are available including XX Hash and MD5. Process multiple jobs at once, as well as one source to multiple output destinations. Color-coded, at-a-glance progress window clearly indicate what job is at what stage of the process. Email, text and desktop notifications provide information about completed jobs from anywhere. PDF reports with thumbnails and metadata can be generated, as well as TXT and CSV. Detailed naming options can be saved and exported in presets. Available on both Mac and Windows.

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