Newshouse - IABM Single BaM Product

Newshouse - IABM Single BaM Product




An end-to-end newsroom platform designed to meet all the challenges that modern newsroom workflows face. This groundbreaking solution allows journalists, editors, and producers to collaboratively plan, create and deliver news. Suitable for all newsroom types and sizes. Provides several advanced tools for planning, ingest, scripting, editing, production, playout, analysis and archive.


  • Independent Rundowns for On-air modeDepending on workflow, users can create On-air Rundowns in automated or manual modes.

  • Two-tiered News Rundows with Blocks

  • All-new HTML Print Server with Template Management

  • Convenient and clear history of Rundown changesBy utilizing this newsroom computer system users can easily inspect and control any changes in Rundowns.

  • Automatic VersioningUsers can save and track the history of previous versions and revert to an earlier version at any time while operating in the newsroom computer system.

  • Advanced Rundown TimingUsers can customize the interface having a set of various options including timing information and duration of stories.

  • Story Editing PriorityUsers with special permissions can intercept Rundown control and Story editing.

  • Embedded Graphics System TitleStation MixUsers can apply various graphic templates and preview the final version of graphics.

  • Sending CG Playlists to TitleStation Mix by MOS for Manual Control 

  • Dynamic Caption Templates

  • Advanced embedded Cut EditorUsers can make quick and easy edits in the NewsBase,  newsroom software module, which provides integration with third-party non-linear editing systems.

  • News Agencies SupportNews wires are visible to users and can be immediately added to the Rundown.

  • Integration with the A-MAM AutoPlay systemUsers have access to all AutoPlay features: import, export, video browsing, automation, long-term storage archive, etc. Native integration with Azimuth video servers.

  • End-to-end Rundown Management: from Planning to Archiving

  • Customizable Workflow for a wide range of tasks

  • Floating Licenses for Client Applications

  • Simultaneous Work with text, video and graphics inside a Story

  • MOS Protocol Support

  • User-Friendly Intuitive Interface

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