Mxfspeedrail Mediamove - IABM Single BaM Product

Mxfspeedrail Mediamove - IABM Single BaM Product




MOG high quality central ingest system reduces your Ingest time and free your team for creative work.

mxfSPEEDRAIL reduces the amount of time you take to ingest your footage by a factor of 4 or even more. You can tag and organize your files with an extremely intuitive and user-friendly web interface, that frees your editing suites only for editing.

With mediaMOVE, you can also benefit from a fully automated QC system that checks your media while the file-based contents are ingesting.

Main Benefits:

  • Multiple Formats and Resolutions;

  • Frame-Chase Editing;

  • Pre Select, Trim and Merge;

  • Frame Rate Conversion and transcoding into any broadcast format;

  • Compliant with main editorial formats;

  • Direct ingest in the cloud.

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