Woody In2it - IABM Single BaM Product

Woody In2it - IABM Single BaM Product

IN2IT access

IN2IT access


Everyone can ingest with full autonomy

IN2IT access has been designed for all users. It brings file and camera ingest operations to an unprecedented level of intuitiveness, thanks to a highly configurable web-based UI.

Journalists and ingest operators can browse, preview and selct their content in a few clicks. Technical decisions are made automatically in the background, avoiding mistakes.

Your ingest is triggered in a few clicks, making media and metadata available for everyone in the production environment.

Enrich and organize your content from the first step

IN2IT access is the entry point of your workflow. It’s a crucial step where you want to ensure everything is in order for the next steps.

Custome metadata, naming convention and organization rules are defined by administrators in ingest profiles, and smoothly integrated in the user interface.

The content is easy to find in the MAM or on the central storage. This is a time saver for editors, journalists, Media managers and support teams.

The workflow is under control, and users fell it easy even in rush situations.

Enable remote workflows in minutes

Working from home, from the fiels or in another office does not make any difference. Your content needs to get on-air.

IN2IT access allows you to ingest from anywhere and on any device including your iOS or Android smartphone.

Transfers to production environments (cloud or on-premises) are accelerated, devices and profiles are centrally managed by administrators. Don’t spend time configuring your device, just send what you have shot.

Raw footage or edited stories are available faster for editing and broadcast.

  • Hundreds of supported source formats

  • Automatic detection of camera cards

  • Partial ingest, clips stitching

  • Enbedded transcoding engine

  • Multiple delivery protocols

  • MAM and PAM integration

  • Automated card backup

  • Advanced notifications

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