Harmonic’s VOS® Cloud-Native Software

Harmonic’s VOS® Cloud-Native Software

Harmonic’s VOS® Cloud-Native Software

Harmonic’s VOS® Cloud-Native Software


Harmonic’s VOS® Cloud-Native Software is the most advanced media processing and delivery software for private data centers. It runs on a wide range of COTS hardware and virtualization layers to power demanding and complex playout, broadcast and OTT systems. Through the VOS Hub connection users can move an entire video platform from a private data center to public cloud and vice versa, with ease.

VOS software makes it simple and fast to launch and manage end-to-end professional media workflows in private data centers, as well as ingest live or file-based content, including uncompressed video over IP. With VOS software, users can create schedules, play out channels and process all content for OTT streaming and broadcast delivery, with ease.

Advanced orchestration capabilities allow users to connect and synchronize all microservices for every workflow. VOS software abstracts and manages IT infrastructures using load-balancing mechanisms to optimize the use of resources and manage redundancy with minimum overhead, eliminating the need for siloed systems.

The software is infrastructure neutral, supporting a wide range of COTS hardware and virtualization layers such as Kubernetes, OpenStack, Openshift, and other bare metal configurations. This neutrality ensures complete compatibility, making it easy to align IT and business preferences. With VOS software, on-premises deployments can be backed up in a public cloud environment in just minutes.

Built-in, AI-enabled and globally deployed VOS core compression technology reduces the typical bandwidth needed for OTT delivery by about half.  VOS software is built for agile, hybrid video service delivery, with capabilities for satellite broadcasting, full statmux and OTT streaming. It supports a wide range of use cases, including live streaming, time-shifting, network DVR, targeted ad insertion, packaging and origin on the fly, from one simple platform.

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