Nea Live - IABM Single BaM Product

Nea Live - IABM Single BaM Product




Anevia’s OTT origin/packager, NEA-Live®, enables you to launch broadcast-quality, FullHD live and time-shifted TV services quickly, securely, and with minimum latency.

NEA-Live records, packages and streams live and near-live content to any connected consumer or operator device – fast. Our packager was designed to manage the complexity of multiple streaming, subtitling and audio formats, and is integrated with all major DRM solutions, so your content will always be viewable, and secure, on every device, now and in the future.

We package content Just-in-Time, so video assets are sent to end-user devices in real-time, instead of being pre-packaged into each streaming protocol. This reduces the amount of storage you need and can lower bandwidth costs as your multiscreen content library grows.

And since content is cached directly on NEA-Live, it can be delivered more quickly to your CDN. Performance is improved, latency lowered to a minimum and your costs are reduced by 10% because you need fewer servers. So you go to market with high quality, low-latency and future-proof multiscreen TV services.

Key features: – Low latency (under 5 seconds) live streaming to any screen – Just-in-Time packaging reduces needed storage and lowers bandwidth costs – Integrated with all major DRM solutions – Multiple streaming, subtitling and audio formats

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