Woody Social - IABM Single BaM Product

Woody Social - IABM Single BaM Product

IN2IT exchange

IN2IT exchange


Content comes first on social networks. Get it on-air, faster than ever!Auto

Automate ingest and outgest workflows

IN2IT excahnge excecutes import, export and transfer tasks from and to any local, remote or cloud-bass environment.

Configure sophisticated workflows, easily. Deliver to multiple targets simultaneously.

Get and accurate view on the ongoing processes anf tasks. IN2IT excchange notifies you when you need and where you need.

Make your content available to any user or viewer

IN2IT exchange is already integrated, with numerour MAM platforms, storages solutions, filesystems, transfer accelerators and social networks.

Implement your own business rules and rely on a powerful media and metadata processing engine.

Your content is available on time and in the right place.

Gear up for the future

Build a reliable infrastructure you can trust. Scale it as your needs grow.

IN2IT exchange is designed to manage 24/7 operations and high volumes of processed content.

Use the API to build your own integration and get more from you IN2IT platform.

  • Multiple PAM/MAM/NRCS integrations

  • advanced media and metadata processing engine

  • Cloud watchfolders and delivery

  • Scalability and high availability


  • Smooth integration with IN2IT access and IN2IT social for sophisticated workflows

  • Avid MediaCentral integration for ingest and outgtes

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