Hive Unified Content Platform

Hive Unified Content Platform

Hive Unified Content Platform

Hive Unified Content Platform


Hive’s omni-media content platform takes care of the storage, management and sharing of content. Using the most appropriate tools this unified content environment is key to generating efficient, productive and streamlined workflows.

With the latest HTML5 editing tools and the ability to integrate other best of breed toolsets onto the platform, Hive delivers an unparalleled user experience to rapidly process any content for any medium and deliver it whenever, where ever and how ever it is needed.

HIVE has been built on a cloud native distributed services architecture, therefore it is quick to deploy, easy to maintain and cost-effective to provision as workloads change. HIVE can be deployed on premise, in private or public cloud, or as a hybrid mix of all three, enabling ultimate commercial flexibility in the business.

Uniquely for a broadcast production system HIVE has been architected, from the ground up, on data centre class technologies that are not yet capitalised on in the media broadcast industry.

HIVE utilises the advantages of data centre focused and open source technologies (object storage, containers, NoSQL) as opposed to traditional industry configurations of dedicated systems running resources in silos. Thanks to this HIVE leverages internet methodologies to deliver a dynamically scalable, highly scalable and highly available system which can be deployed either on premise or in off-site data centres. See figure 1 to show the architectural differences and key benefits.

Hyper Convergent Node technology enables HIVE to grow (or shrink) with the business performance required. Complex broadcast systems can, for the first time, be designed for a customer’s current level of performance, secure in the knowledge that additional storage and processing can be added at any time in the future whilst the system is live. No down time. No significant project expenditure. No investment in under-utilised assets.

Future expansion of the system into new production areas with different applications is also supported through the use of a common Platform/Toolset architecture with a highly scalable core and industry standard APIs.

With these core technologies embedded in the Network Production platform it is not difficult to see the opportunities:

• Acceleration of the Capex to Opex trends

• Outsource of commodity IT practises – data centres or on premise service

• Centralsiation of multi tenanted platforms

o Either as a SAAS model

o Or a National Broadcaster providing a platform as a service to local


As an omni-media network production system, HIVE, supports the fast and efficient creation of content for Internet, VoD and Broadcast applications. Key integrations with a number of market leading Newsroom Computer Systems and Graphics Platforms ensure that the journalists and operators work within the tools they are used to.

Key customer benefits include:

• Streamlined camera-to-archive production workflow

• Fully Integrated solution to support efficient planning to publish operation

• Internet/mobile first workflows that flex with digital trends

• Common content management platform with the ability to optimize the

repurposing of assets through a single system

• A recognized toolset designed for journalists/users

• Proven and future proofed ROI with tested, delivered and improved workflows

following ten years of experience

• Dynamic “pay-as-you-go” system for scaling and functionality

• Ability to flex with the business requirements – scales down as well as up

• Adaptable and Open solution that can be expanded into new production areas

Additional information

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