Nimbra 1060 - IABM Single BaM Product

Nimbra 1060 - IABM Single BaM Product

Nimbra 1060

Nimbra 1060


Next generation WAN transport-platform designed for all-IP services and all-IP networks, guaranteeing quality for the most demanding live media events while providing agility through automated real-time provisioning. Scaling both switching and link capacities to levels unprecedented in the media WAN space, enabling event sites, stadiums, studios, and production sites to be interconnected using a total of 1,2 Tbps of guaranteed capacity in just a compact 3RU modular form factor.Future proof building practice with fully flexible cooling and power configurations allow deployment in any modern service provider, broadcaster or data center environment. Designed with a virtualization architecture, using one common hardware platform for all media and network functions, enabling flexible deployment of functions anywhere in the network. Modular and redundant, with hot swappable and protected components guarantees uptime and reliability.

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