Kybio Media - IABM Single BaM Product

Kybio Media - IABM Single BaM Product




KYBIO Media is an end-to-end, vendor-agnostic monitoring and control (M&C) platform serving TV, radio, satellite, telco, and other vertical marketing in the media and broadcast world. This award-winning solutions helps meet the critical challenges of ensuring operational continuity and efficiency across the entire value chain from media acquisition, production, and down to distribution in an increasingly digital and IP-based environment.

Across KYBIO’s unified, intuitive, and easy-to-use web interface, users can oversee the real-time status of large and complex ecosystems, centralize data and streamline the management of a wide variety of products and platforms – both locally and remotely.

Thanks to a unique combination of modules, users benefit from real-time supervision, along with multiple management and control capabilities. Users can visualize and analyze large data sets, then break them down into comprehensible, dynamic insights and reports. They are also equipped with a built-in ticket & incident tracking platform tied to a powerful analytics & reporting engine.

Leveraging its advanced auto-pilot configuration engine, KYBIO Media is incredibly fast to deploy. Following the automated scan, KYBIO Media identifies and starts monitoring all your devices within minutes if not seconds. It can be installed on any physical or virtual host that matches our specifications. It can be run on-premises, in the cloud or in a hybrid environment.

With KYBIO Media, we help you ensure operational continuity across your end-to-end value chain from media acquisition, production, and distribution in an increasingly digital and IP-environment.​​​​​​

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