Client Device Monitoring (CDM)
Client Device Monitoring (CDM)

Agama’s Client Device Monitoring solution provides detailed high-resolution real-time information on technical service quality, viewer behavior, and device health. Data is automatically collected from the viewers STB, other customer-premises equipment and/or player apps.
A key component of our solution is a lightweight software client integrated in the device or player software. The client sends compact, binary data about events and
continuously monitored metrics to the solutions central ingest infrastructure at frequent, configurable intervals. The information includes quality-related events such as packet loss and unavailability. State reporting makes it possible to see if the viewer has been watching multicast services or playing adaptive bitrate on-demand content, for example. Detected events are mapped to the relevant channel/asset and service type.
The client also supports reporting of device parameters such as CPU, memory and hard disk usage.
The integration (or adaptation of existing integration) of the client is performed by the STB or player application vendor with support and Quality Assurance performed by Agama to verify the integration. The client is deployed remotely via standard software update mechanisms.
The solution provides information on precisely the services that each viewer has watched. Opt-out settings and support for anonymization enable compliance with privacy legislation including GDPR.
Additional information
Related Products:

LTN Cue & Connect



Artificial Intelligence Tools

Etere Media Asset Management



Agama Enterprise

Client Device Monitoring (CDM)

Analyzers for Adaptive Bitrate &CDN Networks



test images

Limecraft Delivery Workspace

Spectar+ An End to End Multi-Screen...

Cloud Hotel TV

Actus Rating Graphs and Competitive Analysis...


Agile Experience


GrayMeta Curio

ProMD EMS – Enhanced Management System

Seiri Full

Boon AI Machine Learning Integration Platform

Utelly Promotion engine

Tiger Bridge

Metadata Services




WIREWAX Media Services



BitSave v.2

Utelly Retention Engine

Utelly Metadata Aggregation

Metadata Foundry

WO Analytics

Video Deduplication & Auto QC



Vela Encompass


CLEAR Vision Cloud AI Platform

Limelight Video Platform

IBM Video Recommendations
LTN Cue & Connect
LTN Connect is an on-prem metadata insertion solution that deploys in existing broadcast environments. The solution tailors linear metadata decoration to conform to your specific workflow and requirements — with flawless interoperability. Connect features include advanced blackout management, content regionalization, graphic and audiotrack overlays, plus automated VOD file creation from linear programs.
LTN Cue is an in-network metadata insertion and video delivery solution. Cue simplifies channel management with advanced advertising and content replacement workflows to generate more metadata — and more revenue — without requiring additional hardware. Cue features include scalability to multiple SCTE 35 profiles, compatibility with any playout, facilitation of OTT platform advertising, and always-on NOC monitoring and support.
Transform the future of video with LTN Cue & Connect.
VSNExplorer MAM
VSNExplorer MAM has also been integrated with the Artificial Intelligence systems of IBM, Google, Microsoft Azure and Etiqmedia for automatic metadata detection and content cataloging. This systems can also be “trained” (known as machine learning) to automatically detect informacion adapted to user’s needs, such as people first unknown to the system who will be automatically recognized from that moment on. Apart from facial recognition and objects analysis, thanks to AI systems VSNExplorer MAM can also perform advanced searches relying on metadata, automatic speech-to-text, translation and subtitling, advanced Cloud transcoding to different formats or even help on content moderation processes through the detection of sensitive or adult content, among others.
VSNExplorer MAM now includes Wedit, the web video editor integrated within VSNExplorer platform, to boost collaborative work and increase efficiency in media management and video editing through its cloud-based functionalities, whether assets are stored in deep archive, nearline or online files. 100% HTML5, Wedit allows journalists and editors to easily locate and edit media files within a single interface, without necessary changing to an NLE.
Main features:
- Open and scalable architecture: It easily integrates with existing or newly installed third-party systems, becoming the "orchestra conductor" of all workflows and ensuring a seamless transfer of files and information between systems. Its scalability allows the system to grow as the business grows, reducing the risk of quick replacement or obsolescence in the future.
- Ingest & Transcoding: VSNExplorer MAM organizes and manages all the media and content of a company, controlling all files from the ingest. Users can change the files' format (transcoding) depending on their needs and the system that they plan to use later, during the production, editing, delivery and broadcast or publishing of content.
- Advanced metadata structures: Create complex custom metadata structures, ideal for the most demanding needs in media cataloging and management. The hierarchy of areas and classes of metadata with inheritable properties allows for a totally versatile system, boosting collaborative work between several departments or multiple companies.
- Segment and layer cataloging: Segment cataloging allows for fast and easy access to relevant parts of a media file. This is specially useful for creating sport event highlights, press conferences, automatic transcriptions, quality check results, etc. Moreover, layer cataloging (strata logging), allows you to assign different thematic metadata layers (technical, documentation, marketing, etc.) to the same asset.
- Advanced content searches: For any media and broadcast company, it is essential to locate in a fast and easy way all its media assets. VSNExplorer MAM offers a tool for quick and advanced searching, which allows users to save time and to access any asset whenever is needed. You can also classify your content in different areas and add metadata layers depending on the type of asset.
- Thesaurus management: The correct integration and management of a thesaurus is essential for the archivists’ work. Create a list of standard terms for different usages to achieve terminological coherence when cataloging your content. In addition, the system allows for the validation of the proposed terms by the users depending on their permisssions.
Finally, VSNExplorer MAM is completely integrated with the main social media platforms, such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, allowing users to share content directly from their MAM interface, automatically converting media files into MP4 and completing the metadata required by these platforms with the metadata detected from each media file.
Latest product update (09/2020): The VSNExplorer platform has a new functionality for users to create dashboards from which to operate all the tools and functionalities of the system in a centralized way. Each user can create their own control and operation panels from the top menu of VSNExplorer and easily customize them by combining different widgets that allow to use and operate all the tools and functions of the VSNExplorer system from the panel itself and without having to open each one of them.
Artificial Intelligence Tools
Main features:
Wide range of information: From the moment that a media file is ingested, users can automatically extract a great amount of data and information from the advanced image processing features (facial recognition, objects, places, organizations and logos), audio layers analysis (music, voice, speakers and audio effects), speech-to-text and automatic translation, Optical Character Recognition (OCR) or sentiment analysis or emotions' detection, among many others.
Automatic content cataloguing: Users can focus on content creation and news production, leaving the immediate cataloging of media to the its AI tools. They would only need to perform a quick control and validation of the metadata obtained, saving time and resources that can be reallocated. In addition, with AI they can obtain a higher volume of information, which is also more accurate and leads to a more precise and exhaustive categorization of content.
Advanced search functionalities: The volume of data generated from each media asset allows users to perform more accurate searches thanks to the big amount of options and parameters available. This way it is easier for users to adapt the search of content to their specific needs, reducing the number of results delivered by the system, which will only focus on those truly relevant to the user according to the keywords provided.
Quicker content creation: Thanks to the integration of Artificial Intelligence engines within VSNExplorer, it is now possible to automatically detect and retrieve specific video segments that comply with a set of given parameters and metadata, drag and drop these segments directly over VSNExplorer's web video editor, Wedit, and consolidate a final and already edited piece ready for broadcast, all without changing between windows.
Translation, captioning & subtitling: Subtitling process can now be automated thanks to language analysis, speech-to-text and automatic translation functionalities of AI-tools. These capabilities allow for the automatic translation and generation of captions in several languages of audio texts, delivering the corresponding text distributed by segment with mark-in and mark-out time codes.
Content moderation capabilities: Content moderation is sometimes mandatory depending on the legislation applied in the region where some specific content is being broadcasted. Sentiment recognition systems, image and objects analysis, and natural language analysis enable the automatic detection of sensitive or adult content, both within image and audio layers, so that they may be adapted or eliminated directly using a video editor like VSNExplorer's Wedit.
Pipe Bridge
Benchmark’s PIPE|Bridge is an interface system, which receives financial data from agencies like Bloomberg/Reuters in realtime and pushes to broadcast graphics engines. The data will be stored in local database for while dumping to PIPE|Bridge database for processing. The product has different modules as explain below:
Pipe Failiover: Enables redundancy for Reuters / B-PIPE©data. It monitors the data feed and in case of Main feed failure, it switches to backup feed.
Pipe Feed Handler: The Feed Handler application is used to define and manage the securities (stock code), for which the realtime data is need . The Feed Handler service will pull the data from the data provider, and dump it to the database. The system enables smooth real-time data stream between the data provider and the database
Pipe History Archive: The history archive enables users to extract massive historical data of subscribed securities for processing and display them as graphs/Charts
Pipe History Scheduler: History scheduler ensures daily market data of each security Is captured on the database
Pipe Viz Updater: Viz updater, pushes security values to graphics & ticker engines on request by the systems.
Pipe RSS Feed : RSS module listens and process the RSS feeds and enable them to be displayed in the graphics engines
Etere Media Asset Management
Key Features
■Complete modular solutions that can manage the end-to-end media lifecycle, including ingest, transcoding, content retrieval, metadata association and asset distribution
■Media Management based on AI-Technology with face-recognition search, Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology and speech-to-text for closed captions
■Audio Fingerprint Recognition as a metadata insertion
■Supports Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology
■Compatible with Nuance Dragon for automatic audio and file transcriptions
■Automated content processing that can detect new content assets
■Automated Ingest followed by effective and integrated QC workflows
■Manages VOD distribution platforms, territories, and languages from the same interface
■Connects to Wowza for live and VOD content
■Integrated tracking of costs, including expenses and licensing rights
■Generation of multiformat, multipurpose files for delivery to multiple platforms
■Connects with Etere Browsing to support the streaming of VC-1 codecs
■Rights structure to protect intellectual property, including digital watermarking
■Etere Nunzio Newsroom integration for real-time access to media content(MOS compliant)
■Etere HSM integration to transfer files between near-line, libraries and playout servers
■Compliant with FFV1 Format
■Full-text searches across asset titles, codes, flexible metadata, artists, and keywords embedded within the asset data
■Fast metadata editing directly within assets
■Complete VOD management, including metadata creation for VOD, automated QC and transcoding processes, delivery of video, images, and trailers to streaming platforms, MD5 checksum capabilities to preserve data integrity after file movements and management of asset versioning with automatic hierarchical assets structure that makes it easy to retrieve, share and distribute content
■Manages Multi-Language Content
Agama Enterprise
The core of the Agama solution is the central Enterprise Platform. The Enterprise Platform provides real-time aggregation, alarming, and storage of data retrieved through an ingest layer. The ingest layer can handle data reported by our Analyzers products in the head-end and network, by our clients in STBs and OTT players, and from adaptation interfaces for ingesting data from third-party sources. The Enterprise Platform also features an application platform, which provides core applications with interfaces for system management, technical operations, and reporting. The application platform is modular and can be extended with additional applications.
For high capacity exporting and reporting as well as other data mining use cases, the Enterprise Platform’s real-time core can be complemented by an architecturally isolated data platform, thus separating time-critical operations from data mining use cases.
For integrations with northbound NMS solutions, inventory systems and data warehouse applications, the Enterprise Platform provides an integration framework with SNMP alarms, provisioning APIs, and optional high-capacity file export.
Client Device Monitoring (CDM)
Agama’s Client Device Monitoring solution provides detailed high-resolution real-time information on technical service quality, viewer behavior, and device health. Data is automatically collected from the viewers STB, other customer-premises equipment and/or player apps.
A key component of our solution is a lightweight software client integrated in the device or player software. The client sends compact, binary data about events and
continuously monitored metrics to the solutions central ingest infrastructure at frequent, configurable intervals. The information includes quality-related events such as packet loss and unavailability. State reporting makes it possible to see if the viewer has been watching multicast services or playing adaptive bitrate on-demand content, for example. Detected events are mapped to the relevant channel/asset and service type.
The client also supports reporting of device parameters such as CPU, memory and hard disk usage.
The integration (or adaptation of existing integration) of the client is performed by the STB or player application vendor with support and Quality Assurance performed by Agama to verify the integration. The client is deployed remotely via standard software update mechanisms.
The solution provides information on precisely the services that each viewer has watched. Opt-out settings and support for anonymization enable compliance with privacy legislation including GDPR.
Analyzers for Adaptive Bitrate &CDN Networks
From playout to the edge, the Analyzer OTT product family actively monitors and analyzes adaptive bitrate services at packager, origin and CDN edge caches. The Analyzer OTT EDGE actively downloads and analyzes playlists and segments and is ideal for assuring readiness to deliver throughout the CDN. The Analyzer OTT H-E does all that plus codec and content level analysis.
Analyzer OTT Edge is designed for monitoring and analysis of adaptive bitrate services at packetizers, origin and edge cache servers. Its in-depth analysis covers the availability of services, manifest correctness and segment availability.
With support for all leading formats, such as MPEG-DASH (supporting DASH264 profiles), HLS 7, MS Smooth Streaming as well as HDS, the Analyzer OTT Edge provides in-depth analysis, proactive alarming and visualization and troubleshooting tools. Examples of other supported features are: Connection, DNS and HTTP metrics for Manifests and segments, TR290 validation for HLS.
QoS and QoE are available per profile, asset and originating server. Fine-grained alarm and alerting for quick detection of errors and fast troubleshooting.
Analyzer OTT Edge is available in different capacities, to cover both small and large installations.
Analyzer OTT Head-End is designed for deployment in the head-end for assurance of adaptive bitrate streaming services. Its in-depth analysis provides assurance of all levels of the ABR stack: availability of the service, manifest correctness, segment availability and correctness, as well as the video/audio quality.
The Analyzer OTT Head-End provides at a glance insight into the current and past service performance, detecting issues in IP connectivity and configuration, packetizers and transcoders.
The Analyzer OTT Head-End supports the leading streaming protocols such as MPEG-DASH, HLS, MS Smooth Streaming and HDS and validates manifest as well as segments.
VIA profiles
Our industry-leading and award-winning cloud-based active metadata management platform, Atlas, includes a flexible and extensible data model using automated processes to unify, cleanse, organise and harmonise disparate sources of descriptive metadata.
MetaBroadcast utilises industry leading data science techniques and proprietary algorithms to accelerate filtering and classification of ingested metadata. Machine learning and artificial intelligence streamline ID matching, metadata enrichment and content healing.
In addition, customers can access Atlas' index and search capabilities to review MetaBroadcast's data warehouse to enhance metadata within their own CMS. Atlas simultaneously processes millions of data fields in near real-time; and is easily integrated with 3rd party platforms.
The efficiency and accuracy of our Atlas gives customers the confidence that we can continuously adapt to their market-driven requirements and empowers them to maximise audience awareness of all available content.
Years of experience in unifying and managing metadata have taught us that a meaningful, valuable metadata repository includes:
- Accurate data, including correct titles, spelling and use of alpha, numeric or special characters
- Validated data IDs, brands, hierarchies and genres
- Relevant data that provides context about the content and that is useful to various lines of business.
Metadata is everywhere. Ensuring data quality is more important than ever as broadcasters, streaming services, FAST channels and studios pursue evolving go-to-market models.
test images
Limecraft Delivery Workspace
As content flows directly from the producer to the broadcaster, the Delivery Workspace sits on top, ensuring that the correct metadata is exchanged, that content elements are verified at the source, and that all relevant parties are updated in real-time.
Data sheet
- Configurable ingest templates
- Accepts all file formats
- Multichannel audio
Spectar+ An End to End Multi-Screen OTT Platform
Cloud Hotel TV
Actus Rating Graphs and Competitive Analysis Collaboration
Efficient Actus ratings graphing and analysis tools provide a clear graphical view of ratings alongside the video broadcast on each channel that earned those ratings.
This is a great tool for News to work with graphics and talent and improve performance, as well as for sales to prepare Advertiser Sales Pitches perhaps researching demographic performance as it applies to them. The easy to read graphs are based on data received from rating and audience measurement companies such as Nielsen, Comscore, Kantar, IBOPE, TNS, AGB, BARC, GFKGallup and/or any others data source that relate to performance per channel over time.
The result is better program planning, ad placement, program scheduling and performance. This helps improve your ratings which can significantly increase revenues.
ShareBrowser enables your users to organize and search for media and projects across EVO storage as well as local, offline, and other SAN/NAS network disks.
Assets can be catalogued, tagged, and commented, so everyone on the team can easily find, preview, and share media and projects.
ShareBrowser is perfect for post-production teams that collaborate around a shared storage workflow, giving everyone a central, searchable database.
ShareBrowser shows you your storage workspaces in one spot — including cloud services like Dropbox, Hightail, and Adobe Creative Cloud.
Agile Experience
Agile Experience is the front face that powers Agile TV.
This comprises various frontend components that enable Operators to offer a TV Service as part of their overall package. Agile Content Experience allows operators to provide their TV Service on a range of devices,including linear packages and premium channels, OnDemand catalogs, and subscriptions.
All of these features can be accessed via a single, personalized interface, ensuring a consistent and customized experience for the user.
We pride ourselves on delivering the best user experience, with cutting-edge UI and availability across most mainstream devices.
Key featuresApp support on all mainstream devices that can be branded and themed to Operator requirements.Unified experience for consumption of linear and OnDemand content.Support for FAST channels and ad insertion dependable of household package tiers.User interface that enhances the user experience by making it as easy and intuitive as possible.Android TV certified for usage in Operator Tier.Our user profiles include dedicated kids' profiles with a walled garden environment that provides a safe and engaging user experience for children.Flexible data model that can be extended to support any metadata property, including 3rd party content providers.
Across KYBIO's unified, intuitive, and easy-to-use web interface, users can oversee the real-time status of large and complex ecosystems, centralize data and streamline the management of a wide variety of products and platforms - both locally and remotely.
Thanks to a unique combination of modules, users benefit from real-time supervision, along with multiple management and control capabilities. Users can visualize and analyze large data sets, then break them down into comprehensible, dynamic insights and reports. They are also equipped with a built-in ticket & incident tracking platform tied to a powerful analytics & reporting engine.
Leveraging its advanced auto-pilot configuration engine, KYBIO Media is incredibly fast to deploy. Following the automated scan, KYBIO Media identifies and starts monitoring all your devices within minutes if not seconds. It can be installed on any physical or virtual host that matches our specifications. It can be run on-premises, in the cloud or in a hybrid environment.
With KYBIO Media, we help you ensure operational continuity across your end-to-end value chain from media acquisition, production, and distribution in an increasingly digital and IP-environment.
GrayMeta Curio
Curio unlocks information hidden inside assets such as words, images, logos, sounds and noises, faces and people and by leveraging machine learning & AI services to enrich these assets with DNA level metadata.
Curio enables you to easily connect to your data right from your browser or using the API from popular cloud storage providers along with on-premise storage.
Curio enables the creation of many types of metadata for your digital assets, meeting the needs of use cases across different teams and departments all from a single location via the browser or API.
Curio for Adobe Creative Cloud enables Curio users to find and import content directly into Adobe Premier Pro, Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign using insights created by machine learning and artificial intelligence.
ProMD EMS – Enhanced Management System
ProMD-EMS 2.0 software provides a perfectly tailored means to manage and control network resources. Comprehensive views of every aspect of system operation and performance are available, ranging from individual media services to the overall health of the complete end-to-end network.
Scalable in terms of price/performance, ProMD EMS provides network operators and broadcasters the ability to quickly bring new services online for studio, remote and field locations, all while monitoring and maintaining the reliability of active circuits, trunks, and network devices. The software’s multi-level topology view and innovative cross-linked device, card, circuit, and log screens make service provisioning and proactive troubleshooting over the network fast and accurate.
ProMD EMS provides a graphical overview of all the elements and their status within a network. It provides operators with an intuitive view of the network for quick, clear provisioning and routine service monitoring. Then, if issues or alarms occur, the interface delivers rapid troubleshooting with a clear definition of different devices and their service purpose (such as video transmission).
- Operational Monitoring of Media Networks
- Centralized Server/Client Architecture with Redundancy
- Web Booking Portal
- XML Scripting Engine for Device Modeling
- Alarm & Trap Management
- Customizable GUI
- Quick Implementation and Integration of New Devices
- Quick First-Time Set-up
- Quick Provisioning for Future Planning
- DOWNLOAD Datasheet
- DOWNLOAD Media Links Solutions Brochure
- DOWNLOAD North America Case Study (Telecom)
- DOWNLOAD Metropolitan Distribution Network Application Note
- DOWNLOAD Live Sports Production Application Note
- DOWNLOAD Centralized IP Switching Application Note
- DOWNLOAD WAN IP Network Application Note
Seiri Full
Boon AI Machine Learning Integration Platform
The Boon AI machine learning (ML) integration platform breaks down the ML adoption barrier for media technologists looking to automate digital asset management at scale. It provides a no-code/low-code workflow for users without ML expertise to run their unstructured media assets against a suite of computer vision APIs from Google, AWS, and Azure with just a few clicks.
Run agile ML experiments to validate business use cases and start automating manual tasks like metadata tagging, image classification, speech transcription, and content moderation with Boon's GUI-driven workflow.
- Multi-vendor ML APIs: Easily access image, text, and logo detection, content moderation, speech to text APIs from GCP, AWS, and Azure
- No-code workflow: Select the APIs, run the analysis, manage and evaluate results with a point-and-click workflow
- Vendor orchestration: Eliminate ML API vendor account setup, API documentation, billing.
- Data prep: Boon AI transcodes raw images, video, and PDF documents to vendor-ready format at scale
- Data visualization: Run faceted searches and view the ML results in JSON and human-readable format, compare ML model confidence levels
- Metadata integration via API: integrate resulting metadata into custom or third party app with Python and REST APIs
Why engage with Boon AI?
Boon AI breaks down the AI/ML adoption barrier by enabling agile ML experimentation and implementation not supported by traditional AI/ML workflows. The platform enables media tech teams to:
- Stand up an ML pipeline without a dedicated team
- Modernize media management workflows through ML-automated media management
- Integrate ML features into apps you're already using with minimal code
- Enable agile ML experimentation and rapid cycle innovation
- Compress a 12-month development cycle down to an hour
Boon AI provides a modern, no-code ML implementation for innovation teams in media and entertainment, broadcast, ecommerce, CPG, advertising, and UGC-driven industries. Boon AI is a product of Zorroa.
Utelly Promotion engine
Tiger Bridge
Tiger Bridge is a non-proprietary, software-only data management solution that blends on-premises and multi-tier cloud storage into a single space and enables hybrid workflows. This human-friendly, transparent and seamless file server extension enables millions of Windows server users to benefit from cloud scale and services, while securely preserving legacy applications and workflows.
Tiger Bridge addresses a number of data management challenges including, but not limited to, File Server Extension, Disaster Recovery, Cloud Migration, Backup & Archive, Remote Collaboration and Multi-site Sync and Continuous Data Protection.
Metadata Services
creation as well as the enrichment of existing metadata. Our
Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) spread around the world collaborate
to deliver genre-specific cataloging for episodic TV content, feature titles, news, sports and documentaries, in addition to country
specific and culture specific content. In today’s fast paced digital era, we help our clients future proof their content.
MediaPortal answers this problem, providing a central hub not only for access to diverse sources such as newsfeed, social media, internal and external archives and MAM systems, but also for the functionality to collect, curate and share this content within one search logic and an intuitive design.
While most search engines focus only on the search process itself, MediaPortal also addresses typi-cal "next steps" in media workflows by incorporating advanced video & metadata tools for browsing, editing or logging of material across multiple locations.
The open architecture of MediaPortal makes it simple for organization to tailor the system to their needs. The advanced API enables the rapid development of "connectors" for new and legacy data sources, while a robust plug-in framework can be used to augment and extend the user interface.
Fuse Metadata Manager
It “lives” in lots of different places. making quality a real problem. Fixing quality issues takes time and money.
Fuse Metadata Manager tackles those issues head-on
It’s a single store for all of your metadata. Automation consolidates data and eliminates duplicate records. It can help you turn metadata into better data.
Fuse Metadata Manager can help you manage, monetise and maximise the value of your metadata
Create a single source of truth for your metadata, Turn raw data into decision-making power. Cut the amount of time and money spent on manual tasks. Empower a slicker, more rewarding customer experience and get future-ready with a reliable, scalable metadata platform
Media ServicesIQ provides an easy-to-access portal to cloud-based AI/ML services through custom-developed workflows.
Metadata Generation
Cloud-based collection of speech-to-text and video intelligence applications automating the generation of speech and video-based metadata Provides off-the-shelf integration with the Avid system Easily interfaces with existing workflows using REST API Video intelligence metadata for face, logo, ad, number, on-screen text, object, and shot change detection Metadata with timecodes for tagging, enabling search and faster content retrieval.
Automatic Closed Caption/Subtitle Generation
Machine-generated, time-synced outputs in various sidecar formats for further processing Faster, scalable, reliable, and secure generation of preliminary outputs Easily ingest sidecar files into workflows for repurposing.
CC Quality Conformance for Multi-Platform publishing
Generate reports on non-conformance parameters within a CC sidecar file Automatically compares against predefined style guides standards from platforms such as Netflix Time coded error reports for easy navigation and correction Ability to ingest multiple sidecar formats.
Auto classify content for better value
Automatically create a classification for content Classify advertisements using various labels to automatically identify and ingest Automatic classification of high-points in a feature-length video Easily integrate and ingest labels into existing workflows.
Built for media
Offload media lightning fast, whether it's video, stills or audio. Make your life easy and let Hedge do the tedious jobs.
Peace of mind
When creating multiple backups takes no longer than just one, you can finally sleep well — no more late night hotel room backup sessions.
Happy Together
Hedge feels just at home on your Mac as it does on Windows. 100% native code, without cross-platform ballast, ensures stability and speed.
Superfast transfers
Files are getting bigger, cards and reader faster, so you don't want any bottlenecks in your workflow. With Hedge's Speed 2.0 update, our industry-fastest copy engines got even faster.
Simultaneous backups
Create as many copies as you need, at the same time. Hedge transfers multiple sources to all destinations, fully utilizing your bandwidth.
Verification, everywhere.
Everything Hedge does is verified, by design. Whether you're doing a simple copy, need source verification, destination verification, legacy checksums: Checkpoint has your back.
Presets, on steroids
Elements prompts you to add useful metadata to the media files you're transferring, so that they're properly labelled. That saves time for everyone else, and makes a smoother workflow.
Keep track of everything
Copying is one thing, knowing what went where is next. Keep complete track of what goes where, when and how, with our Transfer Logs. Additionally, Media Hash Lists allow you to automatically re-verify backups at a later time.
Flexible at its core
Hedge is just as comfortable with NAS, SAN and RAID as it is with USB or Thunderbolt disks. Copy to and fro, or even within drives.
Need LTO? Check out Canister!
These days, no app is an island. Hedge comes with many integrations, making it a breeze to automatically hand off files and metadata to the next steps in your workflow.
Right-click Hedge
Your beloved copy/paste just got leveled up. Right-click any file or folder in Finder or Explorer, and you have direct access to Hedge's copy engine... and more!
Always up to date
Hedge always supports the latest macOS and Windows releases right from the day of their release. On older hardware? We've got your back - we actively support four macOS versions, and have versions for even older OSs.
For companies that create or manage a large volume of digital media CatDV helps teams organize, communicate and collaborate effectively. Its simple, yet powerful tools support some of the world’s most sophisticated media workflows and provide the flexibility to work your way.
CatDV is a media asset management system that consists of a suite of products, providing a scalable, cross-platform, media asset database that can handle a very wide range of file types.
CatDV creates a catalog of all kinds of media assets, not just video (although enhanced support for video content is included) but also still images, audio files, PDFs, etc. You can log metadata against your media making is searchable using key words, not just clip titles. It also provides analysis and transcoding of media files with advanced logging tools, sequence editing and integration with non-linear editing applications.
Unlike many Media Asset Management products CatDV can start small and grow seamlessly. With its scalable and modular architecture the CatDV product family has an offering that’s right for every user. Many of our customers with tens or hundreds of networked CatDV users started with small systems that grew alongside budgets and new requirements.
WIREWAX Media Services
With nearly a decade of developing AI and computer vision tools for the world’s number one interactive video platform at WIREWAX, and with another two decades of experience in the video and broadcast space, the team identified ways to leverage the platform’s award-winning image processing technologies in the big media sector too.
Lightning fast; face and object recognition, segmentation, fingerprinting, speech recognition and many other unparalleled tools available in the suite has changed the game for the broadcast and media industry.
Being able to scan entire archives of video assets and create a powerful, digital understanding of videos, programmes and movies with this core technology has enabled large TV and movie studios to leverage data and digital tools and services like never before.
We’ve not met a media business on the planet that doesn’t have a digitised asset problem. Lack of metadata, no understanding of content, zero monetisation capabilities and gigantic and disorganized archives. Not to mention expensive asset management, overpriced syndication and VOD preparation, and notoriously slow and extortionate manual services.
- Automates workflow from linear-tv to digital offers.
- Enables personalised user-experiences through playlist generation.
- Makes sub-content accessible & searchable.
- Combines video-content-data to users-datas for unprecedented insights.
- Enables fast-track promotional content creation.
- Enables Contextual Advertising.
- Enables new ways to monetise video-content.
- Enables classification of video-content and sub-content.
- Enables personalised user-experiences through playlist generation.
- Enables Contextual Advertising.
- Improves Search Engine Optimisation.
- Improves Content Recommendation Engine.
RESOLVE allows multiple processes to come together as one integrated workflow, including processes managed in other systems.The RESOLVE Framework provides the following ‘Features and Functionality’ available in all modules.
- Multiple field types, relationships and validation dependency options
- Configurable modules and templates
- Each ticket can have its own workflow and/or be part of a system wide workflow involving inter- relationships
- Enforce security by tiered, group access control across all ticket types
- Notification settings – automated E-mail to individuals or groups
- Comments and attachments for all documents – stored centrally
- Group inheritance allowing for different levels of users (basic up to super user)
- 3rd party accessibility (and access control in line with security policy)
- Multiple user interfaces
- Geo-data presentation of information
- Graphical reporting dashboards
- Extensive data querying and reporting options
- Export to multiple file types or formats including XLS, PDF, XML, PDF, CSV or custom format
- Audit logs track all changes to your data Highly configurable status workflow engine Validation rule setsAPI gateway access
BitSave v.2
BitSave v.2 is the next generation AI technology offered by iSIZE Technologies for fast and low complexity precoding with significant bitrate savings. Available both as a SaaS platform at and for on- premise use as a “bolt-on” solution on top of any standard or proprietary video codec.
Precode and Encode videos up to 500% faster than other encoding services. Save time and reduce your cloud energy footprint
BitSave technology is compatible with any codec, including AVC, HEVC, VP9, AV1, and even the upcoming AV2 and VVC, with increased gains in bitrate and quality offered for newer standards
Reach ultimate video quality for resolutions up to 8K. Reduce streaming bandwidth by as much as 40%
Less than $5 per hour of content for all resolutions up to 4K – up to 50% cheaper than the most competitive solutions
BitSave enables sustainability with significant computational and energy efficiency, datacenter cost reduction, prolonging battery life for resource-constrained devices (drones, action-cams, smartphones).
Utelly Retention Engine
Utelly Metadata Aggregation
Metadata Foundry
Metadata should describe content, products and offers with depth, nuance and granularity. With Metadata Foundry, we unshackle it from proprietary silos to create better data.
Any Metadata, From Any Source
Metadata Foundry is open and can source and merge metadata from virtually any third-party provider. Operators can also integrate their own data sources, ensuring the ability to support applications in any language, any market and any category.
Expanding the depth and granularity of data
By integrating and intelligently merging dishomogeneous sources, Metadata Foundry enriches your data. It can assemble rules and metadata from one source and other rules and metadata from a different dataset.
An intelligent central hub for metadata
Metadata Foundry is a single storage, manipulation, distribution and publishing center for a all metadata. This single source generates flexible publishing models that work on multiple services, applications and devices.
Simplifying the life of metadata editors
When Metadata Foundry encounters a problem it triggers a workflow. If, for example, an item is missing fields in a language, Metadata Foundry automatically translates labels and then triggers a verification workflow and approval queue.
Human-like ability to catch and correct inaccuracies
Because all information and relationships between items are stored in a graph, Metadata Foundry can automatically resolve errors and inaccuracies, evaluate the impact of changes and propagate them to the affected publishing models.
WO Analytics
WO Analytics provides business intelligence specific to the local TV and radio industries, consolidating all relevant data from both WideOrbit and third-party systems within a single analytics platform. A unified view across channels, markets, and platforms makes it simple for any user to analyze business performance, spot inefficiencies, and pinpoint new revenue opportunities.
- Built for Media: Pre-built media analytics solution that can be customized and deployed quickly
- Single Source of Truth: Combines relevant data, down to the spot level, from multiple WideOrbit and third-party sources into a single data lake
- Immediately Actionable Data: Access pre-built dashboards to help your organization analyze business performance, spot inefficiencies, and pinpoint new revenue opportunities
- Accessible and Flexible: Drill down and share data with just a few clicks from any device Seamlessly integrates with WideOrbit’s ad traffic management system, WO Traffic
Video Deduplication & Auto QC
A recent study on Media Industry revealed that out of all the content spread around different servers & clouds, 25% to 30% are duplicates.
- A variety of content operations are responsible for generating multiple duplicates, which add to storage costs and slow down migration to content. These duplicates are almost similar variants of the same content, which makes their identification difficult.
- Furthermore, while fast migration to the cloud is necessary to streamline content management, cloud storage is expensive.
Hence, an end-to-end smart Video Intelligence solution is a must-have to manage content well and save on unnecessary expenses.
Quantiphi’s Video Deduplication Solution enables Media Enterprises to autodetect, delete, and restore similar content, thus saving on cloud expenses and automating content operations.
Hero Scheduling is designed base on TV broadcaster work flow. It has been proven the efficiency for multimedia archive, newsroom, sub-control room, post production and government associations which need to archive and share their media asset. Hero Scheduling can be smoothly integrated with existing system.
Hero Scheduling could be perfectly integrated with Hero Playout as an efficient media Channel in Box system. Please find more in "4K Channel in Box system" page.
Basic Operation:
◎ WEB UI to manage database, edit playlist and appoint playout time.
◎ User can search, add and modify the video database.
◎ User can search by channel name, category, keyword, and archive date.
◎ System log for operation record, showing user account, operating time, page, event…
◎ Auto-archive by dragging clips to watch folder.
◎ Auto-import and record metadata like video name, resolution, length, format...,no extra effort require.
◎ Clip info including Program name, category, note, 2 titles, 6 logos, in/out point, time code(up to 64 set), file existing or not.
◎ Playlist could be import, save, and export to excel file.
◎ Showing the length of daily playlist.
◎ Able to combine files and live program in 24HR playlist for playout system.
◎ Auto-accumulate program length while editing playlist.
◎ Able to save video split record, easy to edit next time.
◎ Different titles, logo and time for every program.
◎ Customized playlist transfer tool for all systems.
◎ Account authority management mechanism.
◎ Channel management: able to add, delete channels and categories.
◎ To set account authority to access every channel for editing playlist, clip, and system management.
◎ To define clip categories, ex: program, ad, promotion…
Digital Nirvana’s MetadataIQ is known for accelerating the speed of content creation while simplifying and automating the metadata generation process. MetadatorIQ is a secure, scalable platform to automate the process of metadata generation for production, pre-production, and live content residing in AVID. It aids in a secure and efficient generation of metadata Avid based assets. The 100% automatic generation and ingestion of relevant metadata along with locators into AVID helps editors to accurately identify relevant content, thereby saving time and effort.
Vela Encompass
Equipped with the technological power of AI, Digital Nirvana’s MonitorIQ 7.0 provides new capabilities for compliance logging and monitoring. Known as the industry’s most reliable, secure, and easy-to-use broadcast monitoring and compliance logging platform that allows operators to record, store, monitor, analyze, and repurpose content quickly and efficiently with a minimum of clicks. MonitorIQ enables broadcasters to collect and use knowledge about their broadcast content to meet a wide range of regulatory and compliance requirements. Version 7 of the Digital Nirvana platform gives broadcasters access to valuable next-generation content processing and analysis tools.
CLEAR Vision Cloud AI Platform
Hence, we offer a combination of Technology and Consulting to deliver accurate and actionable data that can solve specific M&E challenges seamlessly.
- Accurate Data – This is the only expectation from the industry currently
- Actionable Data – We have gone beyond the current expectation to create Action Toolkits
We make AI work for you. And that is our promise.
PFT’s CLEAR Vision Cloud is a Media Recognition AI platform that integrates best-of-breed AI engines like Microsoft, Google, Amazon Web Services, IBM Watson, and home-grown AI models along with a unique Machine Wisdom layer that is focused on harnessing the best quality data. Along with Technology, PFT offers bespoke strategic Consulting services to ensure AI works for the customer, taking into consideration their specific business challenges and unique content.
CLEAR Vision Cloud comprises of
- Data
- Action Toolkits
Modular Data Packs include those for Basic Metadata, Advanced Metadata, Premium Metadata, Video Comparison, Compliance and Transcripts.
Action Toolkits, as the name suggests, are ready-to-use to address specific M&E use cases. The Action Toolkits include – Discovery, Segmentation, Content Moderator, Language Tools and Video Comparator.
These are enveloped by PFT’s unique Machine Wisdom layer that imparts cognitive benefits to CLEAR Vision Cloud. Think of it as an AI platform with a human brain!
CLEAR Vision Cloud does not just produce accurate data but also actionable data.
Making AI Work For You
With a decade of experience in the M&E industry, nobody understands the unique business requirements of content enterprises – broadcasters, studios, production houses and D2C players – like we do. PFT is working round the clock to solve real world M&E business problems and build additional use cases to showcase how it can deliver AI-led business outcomes.
Accurate data and Actionable data are the hallmarks of CLEAR Vision Cloud. While other AI models available today in the market can offer data accuracy to some extend, none are capable of presenting accurate data that is actionable too.
CLEAR Vision Cloud. Making AI work for you.
Limelight Video Platform
IBM Video Recommendations
IBM Video Recommendations enables Clients to generate personalized video streams to web and mobile audiences on a one-to-one level, create custom business rules to control video programming, run campaigns for branded and sponsored content and track audience video consumption. It also provides clients with access to video metadata that has been extracted by IBM Video Analytics.
The service includes aspects like automated data structuring, enabling clients to extract and amplify video metadata. This AI-enriched metadata is then structured and used to build taxonomies that help drive the recommendations engine utilizing algorithms to surface recommended video assets to online audiences. The platform also has tools that publishers can use to create and manage custom business rules to control what content is recommended to audiences, and target users based on criteria like the content they are watching or where they are located.
A dashboard is also provided, tracking consumption along with content supply and demand analysis. It also provides tools to create custom business rules for targeted programming, and management tools to run sponsored campaigns.