Vsnexplorer Mam 3 - IABM Single BaM Product

Vsnexplorer Mam 3 - IABM Single BaM Product

VSNExplorer MAM

VSNExplorer MAM


VSN’s Media Asset Management software, VSNExplorer MAM, offers all the necessary tools to manage the entire media life-cycle. Its GUI is based on HTML5, allowing users to manage media files within different storage units, also in the Cloud, and to access the platform from any browser and operating system. In addition, its highly scalable and open architecture enables the integration of VSNExplorer MAM with any software and hardware available in the market. This solution is available on-premise or in the Cloud, as pay-per-use in SaaS platforms such as Windows Azure, Amazon or Private Cloud. This model grants higher speed and more flexibility, reducing costs and time-to-market rates.

VSNExplorer MAM has also been integrated with the Artificial Intelligence systems of IBM, Google, Microsoft Azure and Etiqmedia for automatic metadata detection and content cataloging. This systems can also be “trained” (known as machine learning) to automatically detect informacion adapted to user’s needs, such as people first unknown to the system who will be automatically recognized from that moment on. Apart from facial recognition and objects analysis, thanks to AI systems VSNExplorer MAM can also perform advanced searches relying on metadata, automatic speech-to-text, translation and subtitling, advanced Cloud transcoding to different formats or even help on content moderation processes through the detection of sensitive or adult content, among others.

VSNExplorer MAM now includes Wedit, the web video editor integrated within VSNExplorer platform, to boost collaborative work and increase efficiency in media management and video editing through its cloud-based functionalities, whether assets are stored in deep archive, nearline or online files. 100% HTML5, Wedit allows journalists and editors to easily locate and edit media files within a single interface, without necessary changing to an NLE.

Main features:

– Open and scalable architecture: It easily integrates with existing or newly installed third-party systems, becoming the “orchestra conductor” of all workflows and ensuring a seamless transfer of files and information between systems. Its scalability allows the system to grow as the business grows, reducing the risk of quick replacement or obsolescence in the future.

– Ingest & Transcoding: VSNExplorer MAM organizes and manages all the media and content of a company, controlling all files from the ingest. Users can change the files’ format (transcoding) depending on their needs and the system that they plan to use later, during the production, editing, delivery and broadcast or publishing of content.

– Advanced metadata structures: Create complex custom metadata structures, ideal for the most demanding needs in media cataloging and management. The hierarchy of areas and classes of metadata with inheritable properties allows for a totally versatile system, boosting collaborative work between several departments or multiple companies.

– Segment and layer cataloging: Segment cataloging allows for fast and easy access to relevant parts of a media file. This is specially useful for creating sport event highlights, press conferences, automatic transcriptions, quality check results, etc. Moreover, layer cataloging (strata logging), allows you to assign different thematic metadata layers (technical, documentation, marketing, etc.) to the same asset.

– Advanced content searches: For any media and broadcast company, it is essential to locate in a fast and easy way all its media assets. VSNExplorer MAM offers a tool for quick and advanced searching, which allows users to save time and to access any asset whenever is needed. You can also classify your content in different areas and add metadata layers depending on the type of asset.

– Thesaurus management: The correct integration and management of a thesaurus is essential for the archivists’ work. Create a list of standard terms for different usages to achieve terminological coherence when cataloging your content. In addition, the system allows for the validation of the proposed terms by the users depending on their permisssions.

Finally, VSNExplorer MAM is completely integrated with the main social media platforms, such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, allowing users to share content directly from their MAM interface, automatically converting media files into MP4 and completing the metadata required by these platforms with the metadata detected from each media file.

Latest product update (09/2020): The VSNExplorer platform has a new functionality for users to create dashboards from which to operate all the tools and functionalities of the system in a centralized way. Each user can create their own control and operation panels from the top menu of VSNExplorer and easily customize them by combining different widgets that allow to use and operate all the tools and functions of the VSNExplorer system from the panel itself and without having to open each one of them.

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