Calnex Ne One - IABM Single BaM Product

Calnex Ne One - IABM Single BaM Product

Calnex NE-ONE

Calnex NE-ONE


Calnex NE-ONE Network Emulators allow media providers and distributors to easily set up realistic test networks in a laboratory environment, to test products, applications, and services against variable network connectivity, resolve any network-related issues, and avoid damaging reviews.

With the NE-ONE Professional’s range of in-built network types, such as 4G, 3G, Wifi, Satellites, or WAN networks, you can run point-to-point or dual-hop emulations within minutes, subjecting your desired test subject to a range of network experiences with both pre-set and customizable levels of network qualities to fully understand how your technology or footage will be impacted by the stresses of the real world.

When using the NE-ONE Enterprise range, testing can be enhanced even further, with full-meshed and partially-meshed networks being recreated in their entirety within a laboratory environment, enabling you to see how the entire broadcasting or media networks can be affected by impairments, and how the transfer of media could be improved by switching to different network-oriented transport mediums.

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