Vb330 - IABM Single BaM Product

Vb330 - IABM Single BaM Product




The VB330 probe is the flagship in Bridge Technologies product offering towards broadband and media operators. With dual 10G Ethernet connectivity and a massive multiprocessor architecture, the VB330 can deliver monitoring and analytics of thousands of streams and a multitude of technologies in real-time and in parallel. The VB330 is deployed either on dedicated embedded hardware, as a pre-configured and pre-installed appliance or as a software-only solution.

This gives operators greater flexibility when it comes to tailoring the monitoring solution towards the underlying system architecture in the best possible manner. Feature parity is ensured across the various deployment options, varying only in factors such as scalability, power consumption and longevity. The web-based user experience and feature availability stays the same across all the deployment alternatives.

The VB330 is aimed at monitoring the full cross section of services commonly found in media related network operations. As such the VB330 is very much a multi-use tool to monitor network performance involving signal formats and areas as diverse as video IP multicast, video OTT/ABR streaming, voice trunks, video-on-demand unicast, Ethernet packet micro bursts, PCAP recording and general traffic protocol inspection.

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