Ultra 4K Tool Box, Ultra XR, Ultra TQ

Ultra 4K Tool Box, Ultra XR, Ultra TQ

Ultra 4K Tool Box, Ultra XR, Ultra TQ

Ultra 4K Tool Box, Ultra XR, Ultra TQ


Omnitek manufactures a range of video Test & Measurement products supporting the testing of SD through to 4K video formats over SD-SDI to 12G-SDI physical interfaces. Omnitek’s Test & Measurement products cover manufacturing, QC and compliance, grading and many other applications.

Ultra 4K Tool Box – 4K Video Stream Analysis

The Ultra 4K Tool Box offers SDI status display, ANC decoder & watch, gamut checking, Audio PPM monitor, inter-link timing measurement, and real-time video proxy. In-depth pixel/sample analysis is provided by the Data View, Cable View and Zoom View displays, offering a complete, automated conformance test suite for UHD equipment manufacturers.

Ultra XR – 4K/UHD Waveform Rasterizer

Omnitek’s new UHD Video Waveform Rasterizer addresses the

demanding requirements of extended resolution production QC and

4K post production grading.

Designed specifically for content creatives, colourists, post-production

editors, and digital intermediates working with Ultra high resolution

UHD images in all SDI formats.

Ultra TQ – SDI / IP Broadcast Waveform Rasterizer

The Ultra TQ is a next generation broadcast waveform monitor, based on the highly successful Ultra 4K Tool Box and Ultra XR technology. This platform ensures that the Ultra TQ can perform quality control and monitoring of signals SD-SDI / HD-SDI / 3G-SDI as standard with IP as an option.

The Ultra TQ comes with all of the tools expected as a general broadcast waveform monitor such as Picture, Waveform monitor, vectorscope, video status, video timing, audio meters, audio status, timecode logging, basic line pattern generator, etc all working with a single channel of SD-SDI, HD-SDI or 3G-SDI as standard. These can be supplemented by additional options to provide an all encompassing broadcast solution.

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