Auto ReZone ™ (Vertical Live)

Auto ReZone ™ (Vertical Live)

Auto ReZone ™ (Vertical Live)

Auto ReZone ™ (Vertical Live)


Wildmoka’s Auto ReZoneTM – Dynamic and real-time rezoning

Wildmoka Auto ReZone™ transforms automatically and in real-time horizontal layouts into vertical ones.

The Wildmoka’s Auto ReZoneTM extracts content from live streams or recorded videos, and automatically reconstitutes it into a mobile-first video format (typically 9:16 or 1:1). The tool uses AI and machine learning to:

  • Detect all the zones of interest in each 16:9 frames,

  • Select a vertical layout/template suitable to fit the various zones of interest detected above,

  • Extract each zone from the horizontal frame and adjust them individually to fit the zone sizes of the target vertical layout,

  • Finally, re-compose the extracted zones and graphical elements into the overall final vertical frame.

This process is done automatically and in just a few seconds in order to minimize the delay between the original live stream and the newly generated vertical stream. This solution has been especially designed for 24/7 news live streams.

The Benefits

  • Deliver a premium mobile-first experience without changing your existing Newsroom workflow.

  • Boost your audience, including on Youth and Senior market segments.

  • Extend your mobile audience’s average viewing time.

  • Differentiate on Social Media with vertical formats.

  • Become the place to be for advertisers.

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