Disguise Gx 2 2 - IABM Single BaM Product

Disguise Gx 2 2 - IABM Single BaM Product

disguise gx 2

disguise gx 2


At disguise, we’re building the next generation of collaborative tools to help artists and technologists realise their vision.

disguise is a software on hardware solution. Get Designer as a software-only show design tool to visualise, design, and sequence projects wherever you are. When it’s time to deliver, pick one of our hardware options to seamlessly turn your concept into a creation.

The gx range has been designed to push generative content to new heights. The powerful graphics engines let you render more particles, realistic smoke and liquids, lighting effects, and complex environments, all at higher resolutions and smoother frame-rates. Additionally, all gx range machines come with an integrated Notch Playback License.

The gx 2 has the most powerful workstation GPU available and also features two VFC cards. The result, an unrivalled platform for the most cutting edge generative content imaginable.

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