G30 - IABM Single BaM Product

G30 - IABM Single BaM Product




The next generation in gyro-stabilized remote heads, the heavy-duty G30 delivers precision in movement as well as superior image stabilization.

Novel 45 Degree Frame Geometry

The G30’s unique oversized frame geometry provides easy access to all the camera connections and accessories, making camera loading fast and simple. Its shorter and stiffer frame delivers better extended crane performance, ensuring the smoothest looking images. The unique frame geometry combined with a re-ordered axis priority (pan, roll, tilt) means that even when the mounted camera is pointing directly down, there is no gimbal lock and all 3 axis of movement and stability are active.

Oversize Direct Drive Motors

The G30’s high torque output oversize motors makes for crisp and precise camera movement, with optimum stabilization. Its built-in axis encoders are designed for virtual production and green screen use, meaning the G30 can be used for VFX shots without the need for re-rigging or additional external encoders.

Designed for Large Camera/Lens Packages

The oversized frame of the G30 means there’s no need to use counterweights with large camera payloads to compensate for a gyro frame that is too short. The unique frame design, combined with powerful motors and semi-automatic balancing system, helps to balance a heavy payload.

High Payload

With a weight of 24kg (27.3Kg with wire isolator) and a 30kg/66lbs optimum rated payload, the G30 provides the fastest stabilized acceleration of camera payload in its class. The oversize motors and stub-frame design ensure that the G30 can provide stabilized movement for any camera and lens package chosen by the DP.

Smart Cable Management

The G30’s drive motors all contain ‘through holes’, eliminating the need for slip rings and specialized cables. As a result, standard cables and connectors can be used to connect camera and lens packages, giving the DP a wide choice of equipment.

Assisted balancing

On the back of the G30 are controls for Pan, Tilt, Roll. Pressing each button in turn enables the operator to adjust the axis chosen whilst the G30 holds the camera package in the other two axes. This dramatically reduces the time taken to balance the camera package across all three axes.

New Touch/Dial console

The Touch/Dial console for the G30 takes its design from the automotive industry. It comprises a shallow menu structure, a display showing the operator current parameter settings, and physical controls for direct, tactile, intuitive operation. This is the optimum interface for stressed production environments, where changes need to be fast and delays minimised.

Simple Tuning

Using a combination of the G30’s assisted balancing, simple cage adjustment, and touch/dial console, tuning a camera package for optimum performance is simple and fast compared to traditional gyro-stabilised heads. This process is further accelerated by smart features available through the Touch/Dial console: Auto inertia measurement – auto-sensing of camera payloads; Factory pre-sets – a library of camera/lens weight presets; Console pre-set buttons – recall of previously used camera settings.

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