Phabrix Qx - IABM Single BaM Product

Phabrix Qx - IABM Single BaM Product




The Qx series brings together all the advanced Test & Measurement tools required for transitioning to the next generation of video formats. Its instrument set includes tools for rapid fault diagnosis, compliance monitoring and product development. The Qx offers next generation, hybrid IP/SDI support using 4K/UHD (12G/6G/3G-SDI) and HD-SDI plus SMPTE 2110 with NMOS* and 2022-6. The solution is available with Real-time Eye 12G/3G/HD-SDI physical layer testing. The Qx can be upgraded with a comprehensive HDR/WCG analysis toolset and signal generator. An SDI-STRESS option is available for stress testing and evaluation of SDI interfaces up to 12G.

Fast, automated 12G physical layer analysis

Qx offers the fastest 12G-SDI physical layer testing, with its RTE™ (Real-time Eye) technology instantly highlighting any SMPTE compliance issues, including eye under/overshoot. Additional 12G/6G/3G/HD-SDI physical layer tools include Jitter analysis with monitoring across five specified frequency bands, as well as UHD/HD pathological test patterns. Built-in automation control allows testing to be performed faster, more reliably and at lower cost. An advanced SDI-STRESS option is available for stress testing and evaluation of SDI interfaces up to 12Gbit/s.

Hybrid IP/SDI

The introduction of 4K/UHD, HDR/WCG and IP has led to a proliferation of new standards and formats. With the Qx platform you can operate in next generation Hybrid IP/SDI environments that require 4K/UHD (12G/6G/3G-SDI) and HD-SDI as well as SMPTE ST 2110 with NMOS* and ST 2022-6 formats. The high performance Qx 12G offers 4K/UHD-SDI generation, analysis and video/audio monitoring as standard.  The IP Toolset provides tools for generation and analysis of IP video and audio traffic and IP Packet Interval Timing.

Advanced HDR visualization and analysis toolset

The Qx’s comprehensive High Dynamic Range (HDR) and Wide Color Gamut (WCG) toolset offers new instruments to enhance the visualization and analysis of 4K/UHD and HD-SDI content to speed workflows. The HDR/WCG tools include a signal generator, CIE chart, luminance heat-map, vectorscope and waveform, all supporting BT. 2100 HLG, PQ and Sony S-Log3 and S-Log3 (SR Live).

Key Features Include:

4K/UHD (12G/6G/3G/HD-SDI) Generation & Analysis (option)

• Simultaneous generation and analysis • 12-bit YRGB/YUV waveform monitor with H,V zoom • Vectorscope for checking colour bias / conformity • Test pattern generation, including Pathological and moving patterns • 32 channel audio signal generation and embedding • Video and audio monitoring • REF locking and timing analysis

IP Generation & Analysis (option)

• SMPTE ST 2110* and ST 2022-6 decapsulation/encapsulation • Packet Interval Timing (PIT) analysis histogram for monitoring network traffic • PIT Logging* offers effective longer-term network monitoring • Packet Profile Generator for stress testing video networks • Stream & network analysis tools • Network management multicast support (IGMP v2, v3)

HDR / WCG Generation & Analysis (option)

• Support for BT. 2100 HLG PQ and Sony S-Log3 and S-log3 (SR Live) • CIE chart (Rec. 709, Rec. 2020, ST 2086) • HDR Heat-map highlights signals beyond SDR • HDR test pattern generator • Waveform with code value and Nits • Vectorscope with Graticules / Targets for HDR, SDR and Wide Color Gamut • Waveform ITU-R 2408 diffuse white markers

Physical Layer Testing (option)

• HD/3G/6G/12G-SDI RTE™ (Real-time Eye) option for testing SMPTE compliance issues, including under/overshoot • Jitter analysis in five specified frequency bands

SDI STRESS (option) up to 12G

• Advanced Generator tools with PRBS generation, control of SDI driver amplitude and jitter insertion • Jitter FFT* • PRBS Analyzer • Pathological Detector

System features

• Logging • Configuration presets Control • Remote interface employing VNC technology providing up to 16 simultaneous instrument windows • TCP/IP interface for remote control and automated testing  • Compact ½ 1 RU

* to be released

Additional information

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