Radiopix - IABM Single BaM Product

Radiopix - IABM Single BaM Product





New RadioPix™ systems come complete with everything radio stations need to start creating dynamic visual radio content. It enables any radio station to create compelling visual programming and generate new revenue streams through an easy-to-install, user-friendly system based on proven technology, all at an affordable price of $15,000.

Each RadioPix system includes behavioral intelligence to automatically switch the included robotic cameras to whoever is talking, and automatically insert titles, graphics, and ads.

On startup, the system is ready to go, but two hours of dial-in consulting is included to help create the station look and feel; for example, import and position the station ID, choose suitable video clips and graphics elements and finally program the behavioral intelligence. The host can also override the behavioral intelligence from optional touch screen panels, MIDI interfaces or even footswitches. Compatible with radio automation software, Axia, AEQ and Wheatstone consoles, anyone can start streaming great pix of their radio show in minutes with RadioPix – the new voice-automated, integrated visual radio production solution from Broadcast Pix.


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