Carrick Flow - IABM Single BaM Product

Carrick Flow - IABM Single BaM Product




Orchestration is now resource aware

Create file based workflows and let your tools work together. Make sure your resource will stay focus on priorities. Scale them only when dead lines get too close for your nerves.

Access a powerful orchestration tool whose cost is adapted to your activity :

Carrick-Flow orchestration tool allows companies to optimize and rationalize the handling (transform, check, move, …) and storage of video files. It allows them to fully operate the company’s existing infrastructures by using all types of paid or open-source products.

Without modifying user workflows, Carrick-Flow can dynamically integrate and bring to your door any cloud resource and its infinite potential while controlling costs and uses.

For a comprehensive processing, specific features include virtual farms of heterogenous resources, peak activity detection and anticipation, fine task prioritization management and update and smooth support and error recovery modules.

A complementary specific module called Carrick-Stor will allow companies to enhance their storage policies by using multiple storage as a unified cross-tier storage ecosystem. Policies can mix multi-site systems, on prem’ and cloud storage and business-related rules.

Local, cloud and hybrid workflows : Cloud capabilities offer many opportunities and Carrick-Flow was designed for these. Managing activity peak is also one of the key functionalities. A dedicated module allows the detection of future overloads based on deadlines and estimated processing times. Cloud resources can be dynamically activated and will handle some of the tasks without modifying user workflows. Cloud ressources are then automatically disactivated once peak activity is passed.

Virtual farms : If you host heterogeneous dedicated equipment such as several transcoding farms with different brands or version, Carrick-Flow allows pooling and sharing so you can gradually eliminate the silos. Processing more with less resources is one of the key objectives of Carrick-Flow! Mutualizing resources is a worthy goal provided that each user can be guaranteed the resources he needs to manage his emergencies. Carrick-Flow is equipped with a priority engine able to ensure that at all times a launched task is the one with highest priority. To share ressources, you have to adapt to all the players. Carrick-Flow exposes open interfaces at all levels so that each tool can be interfaced at the best level regarding its operationnal process.

Storage: The Carrick-Store module provides an abstraction layer for archiving and unarchiving processes. It provides a unified repository of the storage content within the enterprise of all local and cloud storage. As if an HSM would have become matrix, Carrick-StoR handles files securing, manage their life cycle and their integrity across multiple heterogeneous storage systems. Archiving and redundancy policies may be related to the intrinsic characteristics of the files or be linked with customer-specific editorial metadata. Based on the processing capabilities of Carrick-Flow, it allows limitless indexing and migrating of storage while preserving the bandwidth necessary for the business to go on.

Independancy: Carrick-Flow claims its independence from MAM suppliers and from media manipulation tools: storage, transcoders, transfer… But independence is not an end in itself. It creates value only if it brings real freedom! Carrick-Flow offers you teh freedom: – To fully integrate and exploit the existing resource base – To change tools, to let cohabit different generations of tools, – To try, compare and finally change again…

Scalability: Carrick-Flow has been designed to be virtually insensitive to load peaks. Media manipulation infrastructure may not deal fast enough with everything that needs to be done, but Carrick-Flow will not be affected. It continues to store and unstack the orders, always executing the ones with most priority, without saturating the resources, without being affected by the volume to be processed… In the event of a major infrastructure outage, Carrick-Flow resumes where it stopped, with no loss of performance due to the unusual number of tasks or workflows to relaunch. All Carrick-Flow components are designed to allow easy load distribution without a single SPOF.

SaaS billing: With Carrick-Flow there is no upfront license to buy: you pay when you use it. The subscription is based on the components of your ecosystem. No license and no commitment on volumes. Your needs increase, your costs follow, your needs decrease, your costs adapt.

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