M2a Connect - IABM Single BaM Product

M2a Connect - IABM Single BaM Product




Acquire, distribute and route live B2B video streams via M2A CONNECT and harness the power of the global AWS network.  M2A CONNECT offers point-to-point security, the flexibility of unlimited scale, reduced set up time, global distribution, and all of this at a fraction of the cost of satellite or fibre networks.

Fully integrated with AWS MediaConnect, MediaLive and MediaPackage, M2A CONNECT delivers the peace of mind that comes with M2A Operations’ best-in-class 24/7 support.  Setting up and securing events, enabling last-minute changes and eyes-on-glass monitoring are all covered in the M2A CONNECT managed service, assuring faultless end to end transmission.

We’re continually updating useful features to M2A CONNECT including routing and switching, source-based routing, event scheduling and more. Recently, we’ve launched optional Add-ons to M2A CONNECT. These enable you to add capabilities to your M2A CONNECT instance to enrich the experience and move more of your workflow to the cloud. Add-ons include:


  • Frame Rate Conversion to convert live feeds between frame rates using market leading, motion-compensated technology.

  • Live Capture to output live video streams to AWS S3 storage for VOD, archive, or regulatory compliance.

  • Extended M2A Operations for eyes-on-glass, hypercare monitoring.

  • Event-based routing for distribution of live content based on event metadata.

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