Pilot Analytics - IABM Single BaM Product

Pilot Analytics - IABM Single BaM Product

PILOT Analytics

PILOT Analytics


In the rapidly evolving media tech environment, operators and content providers face challenges in optimizing performance, ensuring seamless content delivery, and understanding viewer preferences.

Crafted as a robust and flexible analytics solution, PILOT Analytics helps operators and content pro-viders gain valuable insights that contribute to operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

PILOT Analytics efficiently gathers and integrates data from Ateme products, acting as a centra-lized business intelligence hub that provides valuable insights into the video processing sys-tem, viewer behavior, content consumption, and even device performance.

With its advanced features, PILOT Analytics enables decision-makers to make informed choices based on data, improving video service quality and opening up new revenue opportuni-ties.

PILOT Analytics harnesses the power of a cutting-edge cloud-native architecture ensu-ring flexibility, scalability, and efficiency across on-premises and public cloud environments.


Download the datasheet: https://www.ateme.com/product-network-management-system/#resources

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