Mainconcept 2go - IABM Single BaM Product

Mainconcept 2go - IABM Single BaM Product

MainConcept 2GO

MainConcept 2GO


Today’s production workflows are heterogeneous deployments, i.e. running on local server farms, or in the cloud, or as hybrid solutions. No standard software fits all possible requirements for data transfer, platform integration, scalability, user interface or codec and streaming features. Thus creating an optimized broadcast workflow is a challenge. MainConcept 2GO products are the building blocks with the perfect balance between flexible usage and fast integration in your work environment or service. Bundled in an isolated container each 2GO product is unique, easy to deploy, scale and ready-to-use in any process. Whether you are looking for a live streaming feature, an archiving module, a distributed transcoder, or an on-demand packaging and distribution add-on. The usage scenarios for MainConcept 2GO are endless. And it’s as easy as download, install and use.

System Requirements

The MainConceptⓇ 2GO products are containerized applications that run in all environments supported by Docker. Known systems include Microsoft Windows 10, Windows Server 2016 & 2019, Linux and most cloud platforms from Amazon, Microsoft and Google. Support on Windows 7 and macOS is limited with Docker Toolbox and a 3rd party virtualization software.

Please note that on Windows you must configure Docker for Linux Containers, so you should use the CE (Community Edition) rather than EE (Enterprise Edition) version of Docker. Docker CE requires a full GUI to install, so for this reason, Windows Server 2016 users must have the full ‘desktop experience’ installed. The lighter-weight versions of Windows Server 2016 cannot be used because they do not have a full GUI. Other versions of Windows only have a full GUI. Due to some limitations in VirtualBox, MainConcept 2GO does not work if you are running the VM tool with Windows Server 2016.

Computers running MainConcept 2GO products need an outgoing internet connection via port 443 (https).

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