Aquila Streaming - IABM Single BaM Product

Aquila Streaming - IABM Single BaM Product

MediaKind Aquila Streaming

MediaKind Aquila Streaming


Aquila Streaming provides broadcast quality video encoding capabilities alongside the latest packaging formats for delivery to OTT, or converged broadcast applications. Aquila Streaming also creates new revenue streams with digital ad-insertion and enables managing the headend lifecycle by leveraging cloud-native applications. The solution is available as an appliance, software (which can be deployed on reference or dedicated hardware), private or public cloud, or as a MediaKind delivered service.

Solution value

  • Push video quality higher by leveraging MediaKind’s Encoding Live award winning technology to deliver the highest video quality and guaranteed performance across multiple codecs (MPEG-2, H.264 & HEVC)

  • Enable a better consumer experience with support for a wide variety of devices by leveraging MediaKind’s packaging technology with support for all major segment and manifest formats (HLS, SS, DASH, CMAF)

  • Faster time to market by utilizing a single solution to address all networks and all infrastructures (Appliances, IT datacenter & private and public clouds)

  • Reduce operational complexity using a single point of entry for all media services and servers’ operations.

  • Optimize OPEX and CAPEX when migrating to full IP leveraging the latest IT & cloud technologies (containers & orchestration) to significantly reduce infrastructure costs.

  • Highly Available with a variety of redundancy and recovery schemes thus ensuring maximum uptime and minimizing servicing costs leading to reduced consumer churn and maintaining important revenue streams

  • Aquila Streaming can be combined with Aquila Broadcast enabling a fully converged Broadcast and OTT headend

Aquila Streaming delivered as a Service

This type of solution deployment enables some further key additional benefits:

  • Faster time to market for media content

  • Peace of mind from proven integration with ecosystem partners to offer a full turn-key solution

  • Significant cost efficiencies from the reduction of locally deployed equipment procurement or management needed since the solution leverages public cloud infrastructure

  • Reduced in-house operational requirements and lifecycle management cost implications as these are handled by MediaKind

  • Applications supported for 24/7 live channels, occasional use/events, and additional use cases such as disaster recovery for on premises headends

Additional information

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