Mainconcept Live Encoder - IABM Single BaM Product

Mainconcept Live Encoder - IABM Single BaM Product

MainConcept Live Encoder

MainConcept Live Encoder


MainConcept Live Encoder (formerly NeuLion MC Encoder) is a powerful, production-ready encoding platform that makes real-time content packaging easier than ever. With the ability to input SDI and IP sources, MainConcept Live Encoder facilitates the creation of Apple HLS, DASH-264, and DASH-265 compliant content in up to 8K resolution, in a variety of HDR flavors (HDR-10, HLG).

In real-time you can encode content into multi-bitrate and multi-resolution layers, for a complete OTT ready output that includes playlist generation. The powerful solution also offers a variety of prepared encoding presets for simplified parallel live encoding, upload to supported CDNs, and live archiving.MainConcept Live Encoder is available in both Windows and Linux, as a web-application or easily integrated using REST-API.



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