A Mam - IABM Single BaM Product

A Mam - IABM Single BaM Product

AutoPlay MAM

AutoPlay MAM


AutoPlay MAM is media asset management system (MAM). It is an integral solution to playout automation, news operations, editing, storage, graphics generation, subtitling. It is the ideal platform for content control and delivery by incorporating the benefits of asset management with the efficiencies of automated operations. Media Asset Management solution’s modular, scalable architecture allows it to adapt to your evolving business requirements.


  • Content Browsing, Control, Edit and Playout, relying on a central database

  • Customizable Condition Lists in Search Filters

  • Extended Options for MAM User Rights Management

  • Production Storage Quotas

  • Efficient Planning and Editorial Collaboration

  • Different Access Rights

  • Schedule Tasks at fixed times and dates, or on a periodic basis

  • Graphics Templates

  • Proxy Generation

  • Subtitling/Teletext Support

  • Flexible content transfer from ingest to playout

  • LTO Libraries and single LTO Drives Support

  • Sony Petasite Optical Disc Archive System Support

  • Clustered LTO Library Connections

  • Reports Export

  • 24/7/365

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