Dalet Storefront - IABM Single BaM Product

Dalet Storefront - IABM Single BaM Product

Dalet StoreFront

Dalet StoreFront


Dalet StoreFront is a SaaS-based solution that enables Dalet customers to create a content marketplace that offers a familiar shopping experience for their B2B clients, partners and affiliates. Dalet StoreFront manages multi-user access to Dalet MAM stored content with advanced search tools to quickly locate assets, filtered to only show relevant materials to a qualified client.

Dalet StoreFront is a window into your rich inventory, enabling external users to access and request content with a familiar shopping experience. Underpinned by Dalet MAM orchestration engine for content preparation and delivery, Dalet StoreFront creates an optimal content shopping experience that maximizes inventory exposure, repurposing and retail opportunities, bringing value to the overall media operation and business.

The Dalet StoreFront shopping experience is easily actionable, discoverable through an intuitive browsing and online shopping model, and eliminates the need for back and forth email exchanges.

With Dalet StoreFront, licensing content is easier than ever. Content owners can easily identify and tag content rights for their community of licensees as well as establish rights to visitors and potential licensees. Dalet StoreFront secures your rich content inventory by keeping all the source content under the control and management of Dalet MAM. Only after an order has passed through all checks, automated by Dalet Orchestration, can the fulfillment happen, thus creating a segregated browse/shopping experience from the source catalog.

StoreFront highlights include:

  • Catalog: Tap into your existing Dalet content inventory and supply chain engine to promote and showcase your assets.

  • Discover: With a familiar shopping experience for searching and discovering content, Dalet StoreFront makes browsing easy without the need for any user training.

  • Showcase: Build a partner curated showcase of your best works, and further drive engagement.

  • Collect: Enable collaboration by assembling your favourites into collections prior to requesting.

  • Integrate: Tight coupling with your Dalet MAM content inventory and supply chain platform, plus open APIs that enable third parties to interact with your content factory.

  • Report: Dalet StoreFront reporting provides accurate insights on browse and transactional trends, such as popular searches and cart checkouts. Usage Reports allow you to track your partner’s use of your content.


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